Write a five-page essay describing how the presence of international personnel affects the day to day operation in your experience at work and in the classroom, in particular during the internship.

Write a five-page essay describing how the presence of international personnel affects the day to day operation in your experience at work and in the classroom, in particular during the internship. Provide examples to support your point such as traditions or customs brought from abroad, celebrations of holidays, availability of international food, language barriers, etc. […]

What do these laws reveal about Roman attitudes towards the deceased?

Read The Twelve Tables, 450 BCE. Answer and discuss the accompanying questions: https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/ancient/12tables.a… 1.What kinds of issues do these laws address? Which appear most important and why? Is there any overarching theme to these laws? Why was it important for plebeians to have a written law code? How might it have protected them? Why were […]

What is it like for someone who is from your country that lives in America?

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1i6mIzqDFO_0cPKP3y97wCLlCqXbiw1z275mIL_HUiE8/edit?usp=sharing Introduction /6 Geography and location Unique land features that help shape culture. Language(s) spoken. What does this area grow, product, farm, and/or catch? Imports and Exports Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices /6 What is their healthcare infrastructure like? What does a typical family do if someone falls ill (who stays home with them, what […]

How has your definition and concept of religion changed, and what helped you changed your mind? For instance, many people would say that a definition of religion necessarily involves a god or gods. But as you know know, Buddhism really does not have the concept. Still, Buddhism is a religion (and no, you cannot use this example).Discuss

1. How has your definition and concept of religion changed, and what helped you changed your mind? For instance, many people would say that a definition of religion necessarily involves a god or gods. But as you know know, Buddhism really does not have the concept. Still, Buddhism is a religion (and no, you cannot […]

How can the people themselves be a Pueblo and not the physical place itself?Explain

Paper details: The Indigenous people of the Paso del Norte region were able to retain many of their traditions and culture (relative to other tribes in the US) in spite of the many efforts to rid them of their traditions and culture. Why does it matter if a person was from one tribe or another? […]

What oddities might you be practicing that are highlighted by this new consideration?

Please read the story “Jesus Shaves” by David However, when we approach these traditions/cultural “standards” from an outside perspective, we may find some of the absurdity and humor in them that Sedaris does. [Some of you may already have experienced this depending on where your family hails from.] Journal: Please write a 2 page journal […]

Briefly summarize the historical, geographical, cultural, and philosophical foundations of Jainism.

Background and Dimensions of Jainism First, briefly summarize the historical, geographical, cultural, and philosophical foundations of Jainism. Second, identify an important religious doctrine, or mythology, or ritual, or symbol and then explain how it fits into this religion. Third, speculate about how your choice expresses the uniqueness of this religion. Understanding Beliefs Not Our Own […]

Discuss how these films use existing religious traditions to conceive of knowledge. Which religious texts, teachings, or ideas receive explicit or implicit recognition in these films? How are the references to these texts/teachings/ideas worked into the dialogue, plot, or imagery of these films?

The first several films in this course (The Matrix, A Serious Man, The Seventh Seal) revolve around the question of knowledge — what can be known, what cannot, and how people attempt to reconcile one with the other. Each film uses religious traditions of different types (and in different ways) to examine the relationship between […]