Why do the five “must haves” contribute -influence good leadership?

LEADERSHIP TABLE Identify (5) attributes, traits, and/or skills important to a highly effective leader. Each selected should be listed on the left side of the template document. Consider what are the top five you believe are most important to a good leader. On the right side of the template document, substantiation is needed for each […]

What strengths do your personality traits bring to your leadership style-what are some of your opportunities for improvement?

Managing/Leading in Business Overview To understand the leadership of an organization, it is necessary to understand the individuals in those roles and how they lead. When you are in a leadership role within an organization, you should be familiar with your own leadership style so you know how best to lead others in the organization. […]

How does the organization work with the gig economy-Do they hire temporary employees, contract employees-What is the company’s involvement with the gig economy?

Etsy and Gig Employees Use the company website, 10K report, and other sources. https://www.etsy.com/ Provide an overview of the organization: 1. What products or services does the organization offer? 2. What is the organization’s core competencies? 3. What industry/market does the organization serve? 4. Is the organization US domestic or global? 5. What are the […]

Discuss There are no relationships between traits that are used to categorize people into races (like skin color) and associated stereotypes.

1. People cannot be reliably divided into racial groups. 2. There are no relationships between traits that are used to categorize people into races (like skin color) and associated stereotypes. 3. Over time, geography and environment influence the genetic structures of human populations through natural selection. 4. There is more diversity within racial groups than […]