Summarizes the content in the documentary with quotes from the documentary to support your statements

Written Assignment 3 – Reflection Essay Watch the following documentary (it is about 1 hr and 15 min). Write a reflection essay that 1) summarizes the content in the documentary with quotes from the documentary to support your statements; 2) draw connections to the chapter in the textbook and the lecture videos (provide concrete evidence […]

Identify any local regulations or policies that have been created in response to this challenge.

People, Science And The Environment Assignment Content A local middle school science teacher is teaching students how information collected about the health of the environment can be used to positively change human behavior. The class wants to learn about a local environmental challenge and if there are any related local regulations or policies. They also […]

Analyze some of the unique challenges and distinctive characteristics associated with the various components.

Module 5 Reflections & Connections (Module 5 Week 5) Connect the material to the module learning objectives Your thoughts on the material (use the following questions as a guide for your thinking, not as questions that you are required to answer): What was most/least interesting? How does this past chapter relate to other chapters? How […]

Discuss the issues that caused the prospects of universal care in Vermont to not succeed in implementation.

Green Mountain Care After reading chapters 9 and 10, Review Case 9, “Green Mountain Care,” and then discuss the issues that caused the prospects of universal care in Vermont to not succeed in implementation. Compare your observations with the continual demise of the ACA. Read: Health Policy Analysis by McLaughlin & McLaughlin: Chapters 9 – […]

Describe at least one thing you learned from this podcast and how you can use this information to better serve your clients.

Responsibility As a Professional and in Practice In Weeks 3 and 4, we look at a behavior analyst’s responsibility as a professional and in practice. Listen to the following podcast: Cicoria, M. (Host). (n.d.). What is trauma-informed ABA? Session 131 with Camille Kolu [Audio podcast] | Transcript. The Behavioral Observations Podcast. After listening, provide […]

What do you think is your most firmly held belief-The thing that really makes you who you are?

Use these questions to conduct your interview naturally. You do not have to ask each one but choose enough so that you can thoroughly determine the interviewee’s worldview and how it differs from your own. Choose questions from each area.Remember to ask for permission before recording the interview.Type up a transcript of the interview and […]

Identify perennial barriers to effective written communication, specifically those that evolve from the medium’s advantageous qualities, along with practical solutions aimed at minimizing negative consequences.

Written Communication Written Communication Transcript Download Material Learning Objectives ⦁ Identify the primary purposes for organizational writing and understand how various contexts and circumstances dictate its form and function. ⦁ Learn perfunctory strategies for effective organizational writing with special attention to tone, clarity, and simplicity. ⦁ Consider written communication as an unselfish means to serve […]

Consider similarities and differences in background of participants from various countries.

Comparative, fictional interview transcript This paper asks you to compare and contrast the experiences of two individuals from different countries involved in one part of the Pacific War: Japan, Korea, China, or the United States. To do so, you will craft a fictional interview transcript as the midterm assignment. Create the biographies of the interviewees. […]

Compare your findings for the research aims to what has been found in the literature – on a graph or table

Challenges facing Architecture Firms in implementing BIM 1. Re visit the original paper and re write the Literature Review and methodology to comply with the main Aim and Objective of the Topic 2. Doing a coding of the interview transcript and analyze the collected data 3. Analyze data to find Trend 1, 2, 3, that […]

What made the speech so memorable-What were the main takeaways-What did you learn in terms of leadership communication from this speech?

Leadership Part 1. Part1. Create your own top five essentials of leadership communication. Share why you feel these are important and how as a leader you can help others succeed through these five essentials. Your discussion post should be 250 words. Part 2 Part 2. Listen to the audio or read the transcript […]