When was this theory created and what was the circumstances of its need for creation?Explain.

THE THEORY TO BE USED IS Spector’s Health Traditions Model Then, discuss the following in 2–4 pages, excluding the title and reference pages: Who created the theory? When was this theory created and what was the circumstances of its need for creation? What are the main components of the theory? Apply this theory directly to […]

How has your view of transcultural nursing changed? In what ways will you approach the patients you care for differently?

How has your view of transcultural nursing changed? In what ways will you approach the patients you care for differently? What critical needs areas could you now mark as satisfactory or proficient? (critical needs areas include Culture, Acculturation, Cultural Awarenes, Cultural Competence, Cultural Imposition, Cultural Sensitivity, Discrimination, Diversity, Health Disparity, and Stereotyping) What critical needs […]