What is the best approach for marketing to the subsegments you have identified? Why?

Target Market Characteristics PROMPT: Choose Topic 1 or Topic 2. This case study discussion is about lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender (LGBT)-friendly tourism. Formulate a response responding to these specific questions below rather than those within in the case study. Review this case study: Richmond, VA Case Study Describe the LGBT tourists segment that Richmond has used in the […]

How do biological and social factors interact in this story to contribute to the family’s current needs?

Select TWO of the Case Studies below and answer the questions with that case. Caroline Sanders as a Transgender Young Adult Caroline accomplished milestones that heteronormative teenagers and young adults usually accomplish earlier, such as getting a bank account, learning to drive, and living outside her parent’s home. What factors might have influenced the timing […]

Differences between gay men and lesbians

Select a title from the following topic choices: Topic Choices Gender roles and stereotypes Gender differences in sexuality Male sexuality Female sexuality Transgender sexuality Sexual identity Distinct populations including lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and questioning populations) Differences between gay men and lesbians Sexual orientation and mental health Same sex couples LGBTQ youth Introduction (1–2 paragraphs) […]

Does the existence of transgender identity change your ideas about nature vs nurture?

This week, present your own argument in the “nature vs. nurture” debate. Where does nature end and nurture begin? As a response to this post, FIRST, briefly answer the following three questions: Start with a statement that describes your position on the “nature vs. nurture” question. Reflect on whether the readings reinforced or challenged this […]

What challenges do foster youth college students face, and what programs or policies can improve their college experience?

  TOPIC IDEAS: Here are possible research questions you can choose from. You may choose any one of these questions, or if you have another idea for a specific group you want to investigate, you can write your own research question. What challenges do college students struggling with mental health issues face, and what programs […]

What would you do if you found out that one of your friends disclosed they were transgender?

Human Sexuality Psychology Based on what you learned about gender roles this week: What would you do if you found out that one of your friends disclosed they were transgender? Would you feel different if the one disclosing was one of your children?respond with 300 words 150 words for each question  

Should trans women athletes be allowed to compete unrestricted with other women?

Writers Choice Answer both of the following questions separately . 1. Gender Pronouns: Do you believe that asking about gender pronouns is helpful? Read the related article The Inclusivity Trap. Provide some reasons for or against language changes to accommodate non-binary options in other social contexts (college, work environment, etc.). 2. Trans Athletes Should trans […]

Identify an example of systemic gender discrimination and consider its effect on a specific organization or community.

Systemic gender discrimination, cultural humility 1.Identify an example of systemic gender discrimination and consider its effect on a specific organization or community. You may want to de-identify. And remember the discrimination might target women, transgender, or gender non-conforming individuals. 2.Describe a potential barrier to the practice of cultural humility. Which of the four applications identified […]

Discuss Issues/Problems within the transgender communities. Why is this problem relevant and why should we address it?

Topic: Issues/Problems within the transgender communities. Why is this problem relevant and why should we address it? Paper details: Issues/Problems within the transgender communities. How does this topic relate to sexuality and communication. . You will find 7-10 scholarly sources that more fully explain this problem. These sources must be scholarly journal articles, books, or […]