What sort of operations can a machine perform that make it indistinguishable from a human?

Week 13 Homework- Transhumanism PART A- REACTION QUESTIONS Frankenstein initially reads like science fiction, though is more and more becoming a reality as we deal with intelligent machines in our everyday life. What sort of operations can a machine perform that make it indistinguishable from a human? Why would a machine never seem intelligent? What […]

Why is that supposed to be so significant and how can it count as an objection to the project of Posthumanism?

Option 1 What sort of promise is made by Transhumanism or Posthumanism? What would successful Transhumanism look like? Why is the sort of thing someone could object to? Option 2 Meilaender seems to suggest that the promise of immortality made by Posthumanism and Transhumanism is taken to be possible is because according to Posthumanists there’s […]

What are the relevant elements of the disciplinary perspectives that will be important to your project?

Topic: Transhumanism. Try to come up with some guiding questions for your project to direct the focus. Remember that you are not attempting to answer the guiding questions, but rather to demonstrate how one might approach doing an interdisciplinary research project on the topic. Requirements: The final paper should be about 5-pages (double-spaced) and must […]

Identify and describe three specific ways our current understanding of a human being can be called into question, complicated-changed by technological advances.

HU Dis Barfield’s “Cyborgs and Enhancement Technology,” Rubin’s “Robotic Souls,” and Shanahan’s chapter, “Heaven or Hell,” please do the following: Identify and describe three specific ways our current understanding of a human being can be called into question, complicated, or changed by technological advances. Be sure to refer to information in the Required Learning Materials […]