What similar or different values or priorities seem to be motivating the research?

Week Three Assignment: Rough Draft of the Final Research Project Overview This is the assignment that is going to take you from a collection of write-ups on individual sources to an actual draft. It might be helpful to think of the writing you’ve done thus far in the class as a set of research-project construction […]

How can leaders empower their teams-How can leaders minimize turnover during the change process?

The Organization Development Network has a call for proposals for people to present on a topic about leadership and change. You want to show your boss that you are ready to represent the company at the conference. Now, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation to submit to your boss for approval to speak at the […]

What needs to be considered for stories to be used effectively in a speech?

Select one of the following prompts and respond to it. (Option A) We live in a narrative society. Most things have a story angle to them. In your experience what makes up a good story? What needs to be considered for stories to be used effectively in a speech? (Option B) Transitions, internal previews, internal […]

Write a speech to be delivered to a group of college students the week before spring break, that warns them of the potential hazards inherent in spring break-related activities.

Write a speech to be delivered to a group of college students the week before spring break, that warns them of the potential hazards inherent in spring break-related activities. Treat this like an essay and include the conventions of essay writing (title, introduction, topic sentences, body paragraphs, transitions, conclusion, etc.).

Describe in detail the components of the warm-up routine you will use to begin your class

Design exercise class As a group exercise instructor, it is your responsibility to design the classes you teach.design a muscle conditioning group exercise class. Describe in detail the components of the warm-up routine you will use to begin your class; list the exercises you will use in the workout routine, the equipment needed, and the […]

What did you learn about speech making from watching this speech, and how will you use what you’ve learned for your next speech in this class?

Essay Here is the process: 1. Watch your full speech 2. Take notes on the speech specific to the questions to be addressed in your essay 3. Write a 3 to 4-page essay analyzing your speech. You are to answer the following questions in your essay: • How was the speech constructed? Was there anything […]

Discuss the different types of intelligence and why this stage in development falls into Erik Eriksons period of generativity vs stagnation

1. Discuss the different types of intelligence and why this stage in development falls into Erik Eriksons period of generativity vs stagnation 2. Compare and contrast generativity and stagnation in middle transitions 3. Discuss the importance of health and lifestyle during the middle adulthood years 4. Explain how relationships with both parents and children transition […]