Identify an area of law where the application is not as practically effective as it should be and then propose an alternative

Law review and reform Identify an area of law where the application is not as practically effective as it should be and then propose an alternative, and critique the relative merits of the existing law versus the proposed new law as regards practical issues such as effectiveness, cost, efficiency, clarity and transparency.

How does the organization maintain a balance between personal and professional accountability and ensure the central focus is the needs of the patient/community?

Ethical conduct and Commitment to Transparency and Accountability Within CHS It is not uncommon for healthcare organizations to restructure, reorganize, or change ownership on a somewhat frequent basis. As the business of healthcare is ever-changing, many organizations must change to meet the demands of the industry, the patients they serve, and the professionals that serve […]

How do they investigate use of force incidents-Can a citizen review the use of force reports through the agency website-Discuss the level of transparency the agency provides.

Summarize Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989). How do these cases regulate the use of force by police? What is the three-prong test? How did the two cases above influence policy agencies? Now, choose a police agency in the United States to research for the following questions: Describe the selection process for […]

As a healthcare administrator, how might you deal with price transparency in these contexts? Are there such things as shoppable and non-shoppable health services?

Healthcare services are often very complex, and to some extent, unknown prior to beginning treatment. As a healthcare administrator, how might you deal with price transparency in these contexts? Are there such things as shoppable and non-shoppable health services? As a regulator, or a market participant, how would you try to provide transparency in these […]

Explain the psychological aspects of their marketing that may influence people to buy their products or services. Provide examples to support your rationale.

E-commerce businesses have an obligation to serve their customers with some transparency and ethics. This week you examine an organization of your choice to evaluate how it addresses ethical concerns. Select 1 of the following imaginary scenarios: Scenario 1: You have an issue with an e-commerce company and question their ethical practices in marketing and […]

Explain to students that they are going to learn how to make a Preview Map of a text- book page.

Non-Fiction Standards Teaching the Strategy of Preview Maps Step 1: Show a copy or transparency of the chapter opener (Figure 6.1). Ask students to note the main features on this page. Provide a model by pointing out the heading across the top under the section title. Help students see that headings, subheads, graphs, charts, photos,cartoons, […]

Which information held in another country could be valuable if linked with the ones to the country when it comes to running the business?

Discussion Reply Acccounting Which information held in another country could be valuable if linked with the ones to the country when it comes to running the business? How much information should be made transparent to the public regarding cross-border payments from one country to the other? How does the transparency of the accounting information dimension […]

Explain the issues associated with a possible increase to the federal minimum wage rate.

Identify and read one article regarding each of the topics listed in the Learning Objectives and complete the following: a. Summarize the article (abstract) b. Cite the references APA style C. Complete the assignment, by summarizing your understanding of the textbook information coupled with the reference article in three paragraphs. The Learning Objectives should be […]