Explain why they are contracting out these services and mention the pros and cons if they decide to transport their good/services internally.

1.From your experience and by conducting research online and/or in person and explain why an organization should outsource their transportation activities. Provide an example of an organization within Jacksonville, FL who is currently contracting out their transportation services. Explain why they are contracting out these services and mention the pros and cons if they decide […]

prepare a short analysis of the impact of globalization on a non-western country.

Globalization in (Choose country outside of USA) Globalization Impact Paper: You will prepare a short analysis of the impact of globalization on a non-western country. You should include specific attention to some of the main forces associated with globalization (technology, trade and integration, offshoring and outsourcing, migration, transportation, environmental pollution) and the impact of these […]

what kind of research you think you will need to conduct and include your tentative main statement.

Topic: Will self-driving cars improve transportation In one or two well-developed paragraphs explain your topic and purpose for your research paper. Include the specific points you envision including in your research paper, what kind of research you think you will need to conduct and include your tentative main statement.  

What is the staff or organizational structure that supports the services available in your facility?

Alternative Living Environments Visit and Interview Conduct an interview with an administrator from your chosen facility. You can use the following, or similar, questions for the interview: Is there a waiting list for your facility? How are new demographics affecting your facility? What marketing methods do you use to promote your facility? Who is the […]

Research and describe one of the future transportation challenges or current risks.

Overview The readings for this module covered a number of future global supply chain challenges and risks. Research and describe one of the future transportation challenges or current risks. Make sure to bring in some peer-reviewed journal articles to support your analysis. Consider posting a short YouTube video about the subject if you can find […]

Identify 2–3 possible financial needs that could be addressed, and project how lack of funding could be problematic in the future. This section must be 100–250 words.

Financial needs assessment Analysis of Financial Processes and Operations: 1. Select a school district or school system and conduct a needs assessment of the funding of areas and/or programs within your chosen district or school system. Gather multiple data points to evaluate the financial management of the areas/programs within a district/school system. Then, complete a […]

Provide an introductory paragraph that acquaints the reader with the purpose of the assignment.

FINANCIAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Using a Microsoft Word document, complete the following steps in current APA format and submit the assignment with a title page and a references page. Provide an introductory paragraph that acquaints the reader with the purpose of the assignment. This assignment must be revised according to the feedback given and […]

Identify the topic/issue, provide a resolution/approach, examine the literature, give examples, and provide a conclusion.

Mode of transportation / advantages and disadvantages The mid-term paper is based on the topics covered in the first 4 weeks of class. You may pick a topic already covered in class such as regulation/deregulation of the industry, or a mode of transportation and its impact on the supply chain, even a mode of transportation […]

What changes are occurring in the industry that impact how products are developed and delivered to the end consumer?include specific examples.

Review the following in preparation for your essay. Supply Chain: All organizations, processes, and activities involved in the flow of goods from the raw materials to the final consumer. Supply Chain Management (SCM): Planning and coordinating the movement of products along the supply chain. Logistics: Part of supply chain management that focuses on the tactics […]

Why do people still get behind the wheel intoxicated-What are current statistics?

Operating Under the Influence Research Paper Instructions Write a scholarly paper on Operating While Under the Influence that is a minimum of 8-10 pages in length (8-10 pages excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page.) What direction you take with the topic is up to you, as long as it relates to Operating While […]