What information did you pick up on that you may have ignored if you were using your sense of vision?

Writing Question In our reading this week, we learned about the processes of sensation and perception. Although they are two different processes, one often has an impact on the other. Some individuals aren’t aware of how much they rely on vision or hearing in their everyday lives, versus others who have vision or hearing impairments […]

What is the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and explain why it is important in networking?

Python question What is the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and explain why it is important in networking? Explain how ARP is used by networking devices, as a data packet travels from the source to the destination device. If an IP address is not resolving properly, how would you investigate/troubleshoot?  

Describe your experiences from the time you thought about buying it to the purchase.

Think of a significant purchase that you made recently for example, computer, clothes, services (e.g., travels), etc. Describe your experiences from the time you thought about buying it to the purchase. Also describe your post purchase experiences and the factors that affected levels of your satisfaction. Pre-purchase experience: Purchase experience: Post-purchase experience: