What procedures would you perform to assign the participants randomly to the treatment groups? Why is this important?Discuss

Researchers don’t just pull a number out of thin air to decide to test a random number of people. There is thought put in the decision and action. How would you figure out the correct number of participants? Not looking for a numerical answer of participants, but rather the procedures that you would go through […]

Describe a traumatized population and the historical, social, economic, race or religious aspects of the trauma they are facing as relevant

Description 1. Describe a traumatized population and the historical, social, economic, race or religious aspects of the trauma they are facing as relevant 2. Discuss their traumatic symptoms (sensory, behavior, cognition, affect), impact on the sense of self, and the impact on the interpersonal functioning of this population 3. Based on the research literature available, […]

Describe access to the treatment – where do you find it, what are its costs? Is there evidence for your treatment? Expert opinion? If so, what is it?

Description For this discussion will complete the following in a one-page summary: Describe the complementary treatment. What is it? What are its proposed benefits? Are there any risks? Describe access to the treatment – where do you find it, what are its costs? Is there evidence for your treatment? Expert opinion? If so, what is […]

Discuss the best way for health care professionals to make the difficult decisions on who to treat first?

Manage Discussion Entry Discuss who is included in the highest priority group to receive scarce resources (treatment) and why. Why do the articles state age alone should not be a determining factor to receive scarce resources (treatment). Do you agree? Why or why not? Discuss the best way for health care professionals to make the […]

Describe what the data show and provide some discussion of how each of the costimulatory ligands (B7.1, B7.2 and CTLA-4) influence T cell activation. Suggest other experiments that might be used to examine T cell activation.

Description This is an essay-type assignment so we require you to introduce, present and interpret and discuss your data in the format you would see in a published research article. (An example article is Yang et al., 2018, Immunology 155, 263-272 but clearly this has a lot more results than you have.) This needs to […]

How would your treatment plan (medications, therapy, etc) change for the pregnant female in Module 5 with Depression and Module 7 with Bipolar Mania?

1.How would your treatment plan (medications, therapy, etc) change for the pregnant female in Module 5 with Depression and Module 7 with Bipolar Mania? 2.How would this change if the female were lactating? 3.What patient teaching would you include? 4.Please use proper citations and APA format. Please see attached case studies for Modules 5 and […]

Discuss how you would utilize the therapy treatments to enhance achieving the goals with the client

Description Choose one of the primary adult emergent disorders: Anxiety; Substance abuse; Mood disorders, especially depression and/or bipolar disorder. Review the criteria for the disorder you are interested in learning about. Next, prepare a written response to the following: Investigate the characteristics of the disorder, and then explain how you would determine the diagnosis. What […]

Discuss Can Phobias be treated, if so what can a treatment be taking or, what of Phobias can receive treatment or can Phobias as no cure at all.

Description Phobias treatment Can Phobias be treated, if so what can a treatment be taking or, what of Phobias can receive treatment or can Phobias as no cure at all. Make an outline of all the sources using for this assignment If you need more details please feel free to contact me anytime

Discuss your reaction to the treatment as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the treatment based on what you have learned in class.

The paper should consist of at least three scholarly articles. Page requirement Minimum of three full pages doubled spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. This does not include the title page and reference page. Three full pages of text. The review of literature will include history of treatment, prominent researchers, features of the treatment, and […]

How is the disease treated? Make sure to be specific on types of treatments used and timing of treatment needed.

In this exercise, you will be given the opportunity to solve a medical mystery. Below are three descriptions of three different illnesses. Each illness is caused by a type of bacteria (they are NOT caused by viruses). Choose ONE of the three cases described below. Then determine which type of bacteria caused that illness and […]