Post a brief description of two components of suicide prevention and intervention approaches and programs that you think are important in forensic treatment settings, and explain why you think they are important.

In every forensic treatment setting, the forensic psychology professional must be aware of the role that suicide prevention plays in the larger system inside and outside forensic institutions. Both incarcerated offenders and individuals awaiting sentencing pose potential suicide risks. In addition, offenders on probation or parole may exhibit an increased risk of self-harm. Often, suicide […]

Discuss How is the thought process or the unconscious accessed? The unconscious is assessed through. Think about assessment as “How are changes measured in this theory?”

THEORY OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (WHAT GOES WRONG) : How do disorders develop? THEORY OF BALANCED HEALTH (WHAT GOES RIGHT) : How are disorders avoided or resolved? ASSESSMENT METHOD : How is the thought process or the unconscious accessed? The unconscious is assessed through. Think about assessment as “How are changes measured in this theory?” * free […]

Explain the mental illness of depression, and discuss what implications this theory has for treatment.

Topic: information processing theory to explain the mental illness of depression Paper details: The growing body of research on the information processing theory continues to show its application across cognitive, social, and emotional domains. Shaffer and Kipp (2014) suggest that “information-processing approaches probably have more to say about reasons why children succeed and fail in […]

Select one treatment outcome model that you think would be most effective for measuring the success of your selected treatment approach, and consider why.Discuss.

This week, you research and apply treatment approaches and models to another group, mindful of the unique characteristics and circumstances relevant to that group. When sex offenders are referred to treatment, it is imperative that treatment providers recognize treatment process challenges and their impact on the selection of effective treatment strategies and approaches. Recognizing challenges […]

Describe a detailed, step-by-step program of behavioral treatment using one or more forms of operant conditioning and/or classical conditioning For each step, identify the process(es) you will employ, the specific steps of the proposed procedure(s), the intended behavioral outcome(s) of the procedure(s), and the consequences of reaching or not reaching that outcome. Include information about how you will measure and document your behavior.

Describe a detailed, step-by-step program of behavioral treatment using one or more forms of operant conditioning and/or classical conditioning For each step, identify the process(es) you will employ, the specific steps of the proposed procedure(s), the intended behavioral outcome(s) of the procedure(s), and the consequences of reaching or not reaching that outcome. Include information about […]

Describe the treatment condition. How was it operationalized? What experimental research design is used? What statistics are used to analyze the data?

Critiquing is about using your knowledge to evaluate and providing justification. Whether a random selection method was used Description of the dependent variables or independent variables Describe the treatment condition. How was it operationalized? What experimental research design is used? What statistics are used to analyze the data?

Identify a treatment approach that you think best addresses the various issues described in your selected case study.

Knowledge for the sake of knowing is a noble concept, but treatment providers must understand how to apply that knowledge to real-world practice. Every drug offender brings to treatment his or her own history, set of circumstances, type of addiction, and type of drug abused. The treatment planning process must address these unique factors regardless […]

What health maintenance or preventive education do you provide in this client case based on your choice of medications/treatment?

WEEK 1 Discussion Question Response: By the due date assigned, post your response to one of the discussion questions in the appropriate thread in the Discussion Area Participation Responses: No later than the end of the week, review and comment on the discussion questions responses posted by at least two of your peers. Guidelines: Support […]

Describe your treatment plan for your patient in each of these three scenarios. This means that you will have a treatment plan for each separate scenario.

For this discussion you will build on your treatment plan from Week 5 Discussion1: Depression Case Study. You will be seeing your patient at the six week follow up. Describe your treatment plan for your patient in each of these three scenarios. This means that you will have a treatment plan for each separate scenario. […]

How do disorders develop?How are disorders avoided or resolved?Summarize.

SAMPLE SYSTEM SUMMARY This is just an example to show you how to start…..  Each summary should be 4 pages. THEORIES AND SYSTEMS TEMPLATE SYSTEM: Psychoanalysis MAJOR LEADER(S): Who? Freud, Jung THEORY OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (WHAT GOES WRONG) : How do disorders develop? THEORY OF BALANCED HEALTH (WHAT GOES RIGHT) : How are disorders avoided or resolved? […]