Write a 300-word personal Reflection on your response to this learning and how it will influence your practice in counselling.

Write a 1200-word essay followed by a 300 word personal reflection demonstrating your understanding of Pre Māori history before Te Tiriti o Waitangi and The Treaty of Waitangi. You must include: Introduction Definitions and explanations of Māori social structures before the coming of colonial settlers (must include whānau, hapū and Iwi) A description of Māori […]

What themes do you see that are common / similar between these two treaties and the tribal nations that entered into them?

Description Select one of the treaties from this week’s reading. Consider the context tis specific treaty was occurring within. Identify and describe 3-4 intersections or cause and effect relationships you can see between the experiences of the Tribal Nation(s) involved in the treaty you selected form this weeks’ reading and the legal / historical material […]

What kinds of conditions will make the successful enforcement of the treaty more likely and why?

What specific obligations does the treaty impose on member states? In other words, what specifically does the treaty require state parties to do or not to do? Where are these in the treaty (articles)? Do not just list or quote the treaty’s obligations, but explain what they mean for governments’ behavior. How is the treaty […]