Describe the main purpose of the article and three ideas or issues you learned about.

Financial Market Research Module 01 Content Visit one of the websites or library databases below to find a finance article that interests you. Yahoo Finance ( MarketWatch ( Click on “Markets,” “Personal Finance,” or “Economy” Motley Fool ( Click on any sections at the top or see the Trending section Other credible financial sites In […]

Identify a trending issue related to this course from the latest SIOP top 10 trends list, or you may consider a theme that was a hot topic from the most recent SIOP conference (either from your experience of attending the conference or by looking at the searchable conference program).

Trending Issues Identify a trending issue related to this course from the latest SIOP top 10 trends list, or you may consider a theme that was a hot topic from the most recent SIOP conference (either from your experience of attending the conference or by looking at the searchable conference program). Looking through the lens […]

What is trending in your current field or the field you want to enter into?

Unit 4 – Discussion Board Either interview (or find an interview of) a professional whom you aspire to be like. From your interview experience, answer the following questions: What is trending in your current field or the field you want to enter into? Is this person a thought leader? List 2 take-away items that you […]