Discuss ways in which scope creep occurred on projects with which you have been associated.

Activity 1 : Project management processes Your book talks about the “Scope Triangle” or the Iron Triangle. Question 1: Your book addresses six areas that are part of the iron triangle – Describe each of the areas included in the iron triangle Of the six which areas do you feel are the most important and […]

Explain the addition rule of Pascal’s Triangle in your own words in terms of the path coding scheme you worked with in this assignment.

Suppose you want to create a path between each number on Pascal’s Triangle. For this exercise, suppose the only moves allowed are to go down one row either to the left or to the right. We will code the path by using bit strings. In particular, a 0 will be used for each move downward […]

What was it like helping someone create a container for a current issue or intrusive thought/worry?

Container Activity and Discussion After watching the 15 minute role play, download and review the Container worksheet. Find someone to teach this intervention to and then respond to the prompts below. 1. What was it like helping someone create a container for a current issue or intrusive thought/worry? 2. Would you use this technique in […]

Examine the inverted triangle in the reading (see Fig. 6.1) and explain how the research topic, problem, question, and purpose statement are interrelated.

Review the reading. Please use assigned reading and answer the following 2 questions. 1)Examine the inverted triangle in the reading (see Fig. 6.1) and explain how the research topic, problem, question, and purpose statement are interrelated. 2)How do research problems differ for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research (noting the difference between research questions and […]