What kinds of measurements did agencies use to demonstrate progress toward their goals?

Policy In this assignment, you will collect and analyze data about agencies’ performance, using agency reports from Performance.gov. Unfortunately, Performance.gov does not yet have information about current (e.g, Biden administration) agency goals and performance. Instead, we will take a look at agency goals and performance under the Trump and Obama administrations. Follow the instructions below. […]

Did the article ask the right question in the first place-How does it fit with other articles on the same topic-Did it miss any important studies it should have considered?

Article review ,, Will Trump make China great again” Contents of the review In writing up your review, you will need to include the following: Summary of the article you are critiquing: this shows you understood it. Provide a brief overview of what the article was trying to do (i.e., the problem), methods, if relevant, […]

What are the best or smartest arguments in support of the Obama administration’s drone policy? Explain in 4-6 sentences.

Question 1. What are the best or smartest arguments in support of the Obama administration’s drone policy? Explain in 4-6 sentences. Refer to at least two sources in our drone readings packet, and make sure that one of them is Source 10, written by drone advocate Michael Lewis. Question 2. Based on the evidence in […]

How can we negotiate to address this issue?What do you think of that system?

Dusana – The rising costs of health care are a concern for many as expressed by you and others in this class. Would you please explain what you mean by this statement – “the federal government can take healthcare costs out of the system to make healthcare equally accessible to all individuals.” The high cost […]

Analyze Donald Trump’s 2018 rally speech (excerpts) .Develop a thesis statement in which you present your interpretation of the speech.

Analytical Paper Outline and Thesis Statement This week, you will choose a speech to analyze and develop an outline and a thesis statement for your analytical paper. Using the critical reading skills practiced during this course, you will formulate a thesis statement that presents a unique and specific interpretation of the speech. In order to […]

How do you think Rubenstein would apply Weber’s theory of bureaucracy to the actions of President Trump today?Discuss.

The thesis of The Cunning of History and Donald Trump. Answer all three questions and upload them as one file. This paper has three parts Part A . How does Rubenstein apply Weber’s theory of bureaucracy to the Holocaust? (about 2 pages) Part B..How did he apply it to the Nixon Presidency? (About two pages) […]

Evaluate the policy proposals of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. For the purposes of this assignment, focus only on policy changes (immigration, health care, trade policy, military spending etc…) and not on questions of institutional design and democracy (increasing voter turnout, use of media, support for the Electoral College, etc…)

1.Evaluate the policy proposals of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. For the purposes of this assignment, focus only on policy changes (immigration, health care, trade policy, military spending etc…) and not on questions of institutional design and democracy (increasing voter turnout, use of media, support for the Electoral College, etc…) 2.For each candidate, select one […]