How effective is a tsunami warning system in mitigating disasters?

Topic: Tsunami warning system 100-150 words. How effective is a tsunami warning system in mitigating disasters? In answering this question, you may write about a particular tsunami, beginning from the warning (if any) to the aftermath. You may also propose a warning system. Remember to cite your sources and provide references.  

Write an essay about the history of Japan where you consider its ancient samurai past, its history during the Second World War, and its present, especially how technologically advanced Japan is coping with a nuclear disaster after the Tsunami.

History of Japan and Its Present Write an essay on any one of the following subjects. Make sure you give concrete examples from the readings, and check for grammar and sentence-structure problems. You should have 5-6 paragraphs including an introduction, body-paragraphs and a conclusion. Feel free to incorporate photos/images to support your essay. History of […]