How serious is the immigration situation, really-Is sugar that bad for you-Does hunting really help control wildlife populations in a positive way?

Critical Reading 10 Many of you likely recognize this from our English 101 — but it’s always good practice to check and recheck our personal perspectives and beliefs! Whether we like it or not, we all have our biases, our own preconceived notions of how the world works, our own judgments, and our own assumptions. […]

Describe the commentator’s point of view. If you were giving a presentation to inform, would you express your point of view in a similar style?

Visit a major network news Web site and view a video of a commentator such as Rachel Maddow or Joe Scarborough (MSNBC) Anderson Cooper (CNN) Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson (Fox News). Identify the topic of the segment that you viewed. Include a brief summary of the segment. Describe the commentator’s point of view. If […]