Given the following values for x (hours TV viewing) and y(hours studying) determine if there is linear relationship between TV viewing and studying. Use the Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficient. TV Viewing Studying X y 22 31 12 17 9 19 14 13 19 19 12 31 32 42 16 15 9 16

The following data included the number of hours per week a group of high school seniors spend on the computer working on homework. The data is differentiated between boys and girls. Using the independent t-test, is there a significant difference in the number of hours spent on the computer for homework between boys and girls? […]

So what? So what effect does a film like this have? Why are the stereotypes there? What affect might they have on the audience? Ok, so there are or are not stereotypes in the media…so what?Discuss

Description (If possible use Wonder Woman or a popular movie) For this essay, I’d like you to investigate the ways in which a particular community is represented (or misrepresented) in the media. You will choose one media source–a film, television show, cartoon, video game, or another media source of your choice–and watch it with a […]

How are the stories presented? What is the difference between the two media sources? What is missing from either source compared to what is included in either? Do you detect a “filter bubble” as described in the TED talk? What is the difference between a structure of stories based on both interest and ratings vs. a structure based on clicks? Which source do you trust more? How do you determine whether to believe either source?

Description question1: Watch a TV news program (local or national cable) and keep track of each story in a half hour segment. Then compare the news on TV against the news you get from Facebook (friends & news feed). How are the stories presented? What is the difference between the two media sources? What is […]

Based on what you have learned throughout this semester, write 500 words reflecting on how accurately the popular depiction of prison life corresponds with reality. What are the main differences? What impact do you think depictions such as this have on public opinion about prisons and punishment? And what can be the consequences of such possibly distorted views on actual practice and policy?

Description Word length: 500 words (including in-text references in the Harvard referencing system). The 10% +/- rule applies for this assessment. Marks: The marking for this final Reflection Journal Submission (as with the two earlier Reflections) will be done with the standard marking rubric where students are awarded an N, P, C, D and HD. […]

Describe the setting, the persons involved, what was said or not said and analyze what you think caused the miscommunication.

For your initial post, find and share a communication example that produced less than desirable outcomes, i.e. a bad example of communication. This example can be personal or sourced from the media, TV or the internet. 1.  Describe the setting, the persons involved, what was said or not said and analyze what you think caused […]

What changes do you propose? Be as specific as possible. Explain exactly what changes you would make, so there’s no ambiguity, confusion, or unanswered questions

This semester, you will write two papers in which you identify a problem in the representation of a particular group in media (related to gender for paper 2, and race for paper 3) and describe what you think would be a more positive or healthy portrayal. For example, you might identify a TV show that […]

Why do supervisors fail if they are using a “textbook” technique? Explain using the scenes from the movie/show or your own personal life to enhance your explanation.

The leadership paper should be 4-7 pages, double-spaced, APA format. The paper is based on the following: You are to select and view ONE of the below movies: 2. MacDonald, L. (Producer), Scott, R. (Director). (2000). Gladiator [Motion Picture]. United States: Dreamworks & Universal Pictures. Paper Content A. After viewing the movie or TV show, […]

Compare and analyse the film Netflix film Roma by Alfonso Cuaron (2019) with resepct to those characteristics.

Browse Netflix Media Center in search for information about media content (Film and TV) produced and distributed by Netflix in ONE of the following languages: French, Spanish, Arabic or Korean. Identify which content is labeled Netflix Original and discuss the notion of Netflix Original based on the article by Petruska and Woods. Analyse and comment […]