Create an account that will address a specific topic. Customize your profile.

Social Media Literacy Students as a group work together with their team to create a twitter account focusing on a specific purpose \ title they choose (ex: a twitter account that is addressing; climate change). They should post some tweets to increase awareness and\or provide information on the selected topic. Step 1: Create an account […]

Why do you think she does so? Is this a productive way of organizing her essay? Why or why not-Does it reflect any of the rhetorical appeals?

Discussion 2 As you read “The Last Straw,” you were asked to pay attention to any unusual or surprising elements of the essay’s content or format. Note that Wong uses a numbered list, bullet points and includes Tweets in her essay. Why do you think she does so? Is this a productive way of organizing […]

What other ways will you use social media in the future? How will you use what you learned in your work as a reporter or other future career?

Complete and submit your semester-long public social media presence by writing a one-page summary of what you learned, including a screen shot of your main Twitter analytics page. Include the final number on how many tweets you posted in your report as well. What did the assignment teach you? What could you have done to […]