How did it vary from platform to platform-What were the challenges?

Using an issue, a cause, or some public-service information that is important to you, use Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to promote it. Keep in mind that these different platforms have different parameters and strengths, so your approach will need to change for each one. If you have an existing free Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account, […]

Provide a brief explanation of the campaign aims and target audience.

Can We Talk Respond to the following: Consider the utility of Twitter, Facebook, or similar social media vehicles. Using 140 characters or less, develop a social media hash tag that will promote public health awareness and increase local health communication efforts. Provide a brief explanation of the campaign aims and target audience.

What do you want to say? What should educational stakeholders (re)consider? What are you trying to inform the larger public (or, if you make clear, a specific audience) about? It will be your job to synthesize

Immigrant Students in the US Education System Write an essay geared toward a public audience, that has some sort of argument regarding the “immigrant students” and “woman students of color”. What do you want to say? What should educational stakeholders (re)consider? What are you trying to inform the larger public (or, if you make clear, […]

What circumstances those companies will hand over your private information to an entity that requests it.

Social Network Privacy Policy Exercise With the popularity of social networks comes a cost in terms of privacy. People are able to glean a great deal of information about us from our use of social networks. Sometimes the government also wants to find out information about you and your social networking habits. Most social networks […]

Provide information about the organization-its campaign-Discuss the campaign based on the information discussed in the Unit V Lesson.

For this assignment, you will investigate a social media public relations (PR) campaign by an organization. Some examples of platforms are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube. The organizations can be national or local to your area. In this assignment, you will need to include the following components: Provide information about the social media […]

Discuss your opinion if Twitter contributes towards the creation of public sphere?-what are the limits of political communication on Twitter?

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: In the Social Media book -In Chapter 4, discuss how social media has influenced conception of communication power? Also, discuss media Power. -in Chapter 8, discuss your opinion if Twitter contributes towards the creation of public sphere? Also, what are the limits of political communication […]

Which public figure’s Twitter account did you choose to review?-What type of content was posted on his or her Twitter feed?

Review recent tweets by this individual. Answer the following questions about your experience on Facebook: What types of content does the person like? What types of content is he or she posting (for example, photos, status updates, or personal information)? If this person posts photos, what types of images do they tend to post? Is […]

 Discuss the social benefits-limitations of each-What human interactions can each of these channels create?

What is social media? Which theory or theories of psychology help to explain why people use social media? Why do they exhibit behaviors that are unique to these channels? Select two of the following channels: Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram Discuss the social benefits and limitations of each. What human interactions can each of these channels […]

Discuss How does Twitter use relate to depression.

Argumentive Research Paper: -This argumentative essay requires to make a claim about the topic, “How does Twitter use relate to depression.” -The analysis must take a position and substantiate that position with two peer-reviewed sources. -For analysis, please provide at least one counterargument to the argument. Asses the counterargument and prove the reader why the […]

Identify a good Facebook profile, a good Twitter profile and a good Instagram profile. Talk about the positive characteristics of each and any areas for improvement.

Topic: Discussion Paper details: Identify a good Facebook profile, a good Twitter profile and a good Instagram profile. Talk about the positive characteristics of each and any areas for improvement.