What are the pros and cons for the workers-Have you used one of these services?

Employment law Question Make a list of 5 preconceptions you have about employment law concepts discussed , these might include human resources, unions and employee benefits. Keep track of your list making notes about how these conceptions may or may not evolve. (Including the conception of a classmate.) In your opinion, should workers in the […]

What is the relationship between information technology and Uber’s business model? Explain your answer.

Can Uber Be the Uber of Everything? Task: Submit to complete this assignment Test your understanding of Module Six, and complete the Case Study: Can Uber Be the Uber of Everything? The case can be found in the Managing Information Systems Textbook. Analyze Uber using the competitive forces and value chain models. What is its […]

Did the company need to form a partnership or strategic alliance to support the implementation of its strategy.

Individual Assignment 5.1 Research a woman or minority owned small business (in the United States) that recently introduced a new product or service. You cannot use a company strategy that was previously used. Prepare a brief analysis of the company’s strategy while discussing the following issues: 1. The type of strategy employed to introduce the […]

What went well regarding the PR response to the situation-What might you have recommended improving the response?

Uber Success Brings Uber Public Relations Problems Write an 800-word paper and respond to the questions at the end of your selected case study to form the basis for your response. (See PDF; pgs 2-6) Address the following questions as well: What went well regarding the PR response to the situation? What might you have […]

Describe the behaviors of the end-customer that may influence their decisions to purchase to buy your product or service.

Secondary Research 1) Create a persona for each end-customer related to your business idea. Some businesses like Uber have two end-customer, riders and drivers. 2) Provide at least 20 characteristics related to each end-customer. 3) Describe the behaviors of the end-customer that may influence their decisions to purchase to buy your product or service. 4) […]

Discuss The Rise of E-Business in relations to UBER.

Paper detalis: 1- The term paper will be no less than 10 pages single or double spaced, with an abstract and bibliography page. [Note: Use APA Formatting ] 2- The term paper should have at least 3 references from major journals in the MIS area such as MIS quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, […]

Discuss Did the coronavirus epidemic influence your thoughts about the future of ride-sharing, trucking, Uber Eats or any of the related services, as they relate to the ideas in this module?

Topic: Did the coronavirus epidemic influence your thoughts about the future of ride-sharing, trucking, Uber Eats or any of the related services, as they relate to the ideas in this module?

Discuss what Kalanick and the company did well in enlisting backers and supporters and what they didn’t do well. Be specific.

A stakeholder commitment chart, listing key players and their issues, and indicate, which are strongly against, moderately against, neutral, moderately support, andstrongly support, and who owns the change. oBased on the case study, provide evidence and reasons for why you placed each stakeholder in which “bucket” in the stakeholder chart oDiscuss what Kalanick and the […]

Describe your client organization (Uber) paying specific attention to (a) what has been at the heart of its success so far? Is this sufficient going forward in home and global markets? (b) the challenges it faces at home and in global markets (c) the role of leadership and leader style, and (d) the role of organizational culture, organization structure its leaders crafted and how closely tied it is to the firm’s success and how it is related to the challenges the firm is currently facing

1. Describe your client organization (Uber) paying specific attention to (a) what has been at the heart of its success so far? Is this sufficient going forward in home and global markets? (b) the challenges it faces at home and in global markets (c) the role of leadership and leader style, and (d) the role […]