Are there two or more substantial views on the issue?  For example, Organ Donation and Wear Seat Belts are not good topics because there is no substantial opposition.

PERSUASIVE SPEECH WITH IMMEDIATE ACTION STEP In addition to the skills in the previous speeches, this speech emphasizes the effective use of argumentation. As you consider topics, ask these two questions: ) Are there two or more substantial views on the issue?  For example, Organ Donation and Wear Seat Belts are not good topics because […]

What other factors are leading to a world in disarray and the fight for Justice?

Watch the VICE News Special Report “A World in Disarray”. What does it suggest about the balance of power in the world? What was most surprising about these stories? How does it relate to Chapter 1, 12 and 17, 18? How did Trump’s foreign policy impact the global order today? What issues will Biden have […]

How this relationship has grown and developed, how the war in Ukraine has impacted this partnership.

Chapter – Russia China in the arctic 1. Introduce the Russia China partnership in the Arctic 2 A detailed History of the partnership a. China’s goals and aspirations in the arctic b. Russia’s goals and aspiration in the arctic 3. The current status of the relationship. 4. How this relationship has grown and developed, how […]

Discuss the legality under international law of Russia’s use of military force against Ukraine.

Research Paper Introduction to International Law Research Paper Drawing upon your knowledge of the relevant concepts of international law,write a research paper on ONE of the three topics listed below.Follow the writing instructions as provided hereunder. 1- Discuss the legality under international law of Russia’s use of military force against Ukraine. 2- Analyse the concept […]

How has warfare changed since 1945 in terms of actors, goals, and technology?

– Why do states engage or not engage in conflict with one another? How has warfare changed since 1945 in terms of actors, goals, and technology? What accounts for some actors resorting to terrorism including cyberwarfare and how can other global actors address such challenges? – First part calls for an assessment of theory, levels […]

choose three steps in Parker’s model of discourse analysis and apply them to only one of the following three international events taking place at the present time

Pop Quiz This is the question that you have to answer – In Chapter 18, “Discovering Discourses, Tackling Texts”, Ian Parker proposes a discursive methodology that deals with different levels of discourse – any discourse. You are required to choose three steps in Parker’s model of discourse analysis and apply them to only one of […]

How to conduct, analyze, and incorporate primary research into a formal research paper.

Russia/Ukraine Invasion Twitter Analysis (All research must be done on twitter) To do well on the assignment, be sure to: Identify and fairly represent at least three stakeholders in a conversation (with their stake being based on their identity or opinion) Careful analysis of the chronological developments of the conversation or some other pattern you […]