Explain at least one technique that the United States currently utilizes to protect valuable data from potential cyberattacks from other nations and entities.

Cyberattacks Cyberattacks are a dangerous innovation in warfare and have become one of the greatest threats to national security since the turn of the 21st century. From a professional, evidence-based perspective, address the following. Evaluate at least one key ethical and one key legal challenge pertaining to the United States government engaging in cyberattacks against […]

Explain the concept of “crowding out-Based on the data collected, which of these countries likely has the most extensive “crowding out”? Explain.

Macroeconomic Based on the data collected, do you think that debt is a problem faced by economically advanced countries, undeveloped countries, or both? Justify your answer. The United States government has a 100% repayment rate—it has always repaid its debt. Given what we know about risk and return, do you think the USA is generally […]