Discuss the role race plays in both US immigration history and US history with Native Americans. How has race mattered and/or not mattered to the treatment of immigrants in the past? Is this true for current immigrants? Now compare and contrast your answer with Native American history. 2.

Description 1. Discuss the role race plays in both US immigration history and US history with Native Americans. How has race mattered and/or not mattered to the treatment of immigrants in the past? Is this true for current immigrants? Now compare and contrast your answer with Native American history. 2. Thinking about Schaefer’s 7 responses […]

How does the US compare to other industrialized countries in this regard?

In his Wealth and Poverty class at U.C.- Berkeley, former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich discusses the grave economic and social consequences that may result if the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. After viewing the movie, what are your thoughts? Do you see this as an issue in the same way? Why […]

Describe a CIA action from Document 8’s timeline that you have researched online. after learning more about the event from your research, do you agree with Kangas’ view of the true purpose of the CIA during the Cold War? Why, or why not? List examples to support your view.

Description (Half a page) Read Chapter 26 from The American Promise, Volume II and write your responses to the questions below in outline format or as a rough draft. Use specific historical examples and details. You must use your own words to describe the events; do not copy from the textbook or other sources. Explain […]

Use your knowledge of mechanistic and organic organizational designs to discuss the application of these ideas to the military structure of the past and the future.

Description Organizational Reactions to a Changing Environment: During the Cold War, the US Cold prepared for a conventional battlefield with fairly structured problems and relatively clear objectives. The military’s assessment of future operations is one characterized by a higher degree of uncertainty than in the past; one in which the situations change quickly and which […]

Explain this case from your perspective and its implications on the USA and Denmark’s diplomatic relations.

You are in the role of the USA diplomat in Copenhagen, Denmark. Please carefully analyze this incident’s available information and write a classified diplomatic cable of up to 800 words. In the cable, explain this case from your perspective and its implications on the USA and Denmark’s diplomatic relations. The prominent American diplomat, the president […]

How many articles did you find – did you find a lot of articles or very few? What kind of articles are there – long analytical articles, theory bases, or detailed individual case studies? Is the coverage increasing or decreasing over the past 10 years -show a trend using a chart.

1. Short introduction to the topic – why is this topic relevant to contemporary planning practice? 2. Short description on your library search methodology – describe search engines, databases, and keywords used, etc. How did you fine-tune your search? What was your criteria for selecting the articles? 3. Short description on the coverage of the […]

Summarize How the fear of communism or McCarthyism developed in the US McCarthy and his senate committee

Post-Project Assignment: McCarthyism “McCarthyism” was an era when the fear of communism dominated American society and government. The term emerged from the actions of US Senator Joseph McCarthy but it refers to a wide-range of activities from roughly 1950-1954. Write a 2,000-word paper about McCarthyism. Regarding writing mechanics, the paper must: Be well-organized and clearly […]

Explain the differences between old and new media. To what extent do people in the US trust the media? What impact does each (old and new media) have on our level of understanding and knowledge of the political process in the US? Which do you think does a better job of providing reliable information? Where do you source your information from? Do you think that old media sources will eventually die out? Explain your positions.

Explain the differences between old and new media. To what extent do people in the US trust the media? What impact does each (old and new media) have on our level of understanding and knowledge of the political process in the US? Which do you think does a better job of providing reliable information? Where […]