Briefly explain the different considerations that would guide a utilitarian and a deontologist when considering the possibility of mandatory organ donation.

Briefly explain the different considerations that would guide a utilitarian and a deontologist when considering the possibility of mandatory organ donation. Explain which approach (if either) is preferable, and why.

Briefly explain the different considerations that would guide a utilitarian and a deontologist when considering the possibility of mandatory organ donation.

Briefly explain the different considerations that would guide a utilitarian and a deontologist when considering the possibility of mandatory organ donation. Explain which approach (if either) is preferable, and why.

What is a utilitarian argument in favor of a college education? How does it different from other reasons someone might want to go to college?

Each answer should include a clear understanding of the concept(s), a clear and thoughtful argument (that typically means demonstrating you understand both/other sides), and does not include multiple spelling and grammatical errors. The paper does not need to be written in essay format. You can simply answer each of the questions in one 3 page […]

Do humans have a moral obligation to modify our lifestyle in order to recognize the moral status of nonhuman others?

Ethics week 5 discussion You cannot just login, post several times in one day, and be done. Think of this as a discussion that we may have in the classroom, except that we are doing it online over a week. You are expected to respond to the discussion prompt with your initial post by 11:59 […]

Explain Kant’s objections to the Utilitarian theory of punishment- Do you think there are any problems with it?

Explain Kant’s objections to the Utilitarian theory of punishment. Do you think there are any problems with it? Give philosophically adequate arguments. Give an accurate analysis of the arguments presented and to give well-constructed arguments. Lastly, give an accurate account of the theories and terms presented in the reading.

Explain general difference between Utilitarian and Deontological / Kantian ethics on problem of Lying

LIES and LYING: (2-4 Sources) Moral Theories, clarifying the general difference between Utilitarian and Deontological / Kantian ethics on problem of Lying; The strengths and weaknesses of Kant’s views in particular; and how these ideas relate or apply to a pop culture or current events example, for example, a TV show or Hollywood film, or […]

Which candidate is the strongest choice from your utilitarian perspective, and why? How have you eliminated the other candidates?

This week’s assignment presents a profoundly difficult dilemma, with you in an imagined professional role: You are the lead surgeon managing a liver transplant. You are also utilitarian. A healthy young woman, Linda, had a fatal car accident this morning. She was an organ donor, your hospital has harvested her organs, and there are three […]

What would a utilitarian have us do in this case if we were the sheriff?,should we lie, according to utilitarianism?

What would a utilitarian have us do in this case if we were the sheriff? In other words, should we lie, according to utilitarianism? What considerations would a utilitarian identify as important to think about in relation to this case? Would a Kantian agree with the utilitarian’s advice here? Why or why not?

What would a utilitarian have us do in this case if we were the sheriff?

What would a utilitarian have us do in this case if we were the sheriff? In other words, should we lie, according to utilitarianism? What considerations would a utilitarian identify as important to think about in relation to this case Would a Kantian agree with the utilitarian’s advice here? Why or why not?