Who do you think should be responsible for overseeing the web—individuals, online communities, corporations, governments, or international coalitions?

After reviewing the Study Materials for this module on free speech, trolls, and disinformation campaigns, consider your own experience online. Have you or someone you know ever had an experience with challenging online phenomena like trolling, cyber-hate speech, or disinformation campaigns? Who do you think should be responsible for overseeing the web—individuals, online communities, corporations, […]

Analyze the advantages and disadvantages that argues as to why you would recommend or not recommend the Utilitarianism theory of Ethics or the Kantianism theory of Ethics.

• You need to define both theories. • You need to explore their advantages and disadvantages. • You need then to construct an argument based upon your critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages that argues as to why you would recommend or not recommend the Utilitarianism theory of Ethics or the Kantianism theory of […]

What is the precise relationship between consequentialism and utilitarianism? Likewise, what is the relationship between deontology and Kantianism? Explain

SECTION 1: Short Answer (8 marks total; 2 marks each) Using approximately 4-5 sentences each, answer FOUR of the following five questions. Be sure to explain your answers. NOTE: If you choose to answer all five questions, I will only grade your first four. What is the difference between descriptive and normative knowledge? Explain why […]

Discuss According to act-utilitarianism, which action is the morally right one? Do you agree with this choice? Why or why not?

Suppose you are an act-utilitarian, and you must choose between two courses of action. In the first action, you could make a stranger very happy by giving her $100. In the second action, you could make another stranger even happier by giving him the same amount of money—but this action would involve breaking a promise […]

Discuss Based on lectures and “The Apology” by Plato – Socrates never advances positive knowledge, but seeks knowledge by attempting to discover what cannot be a case of knowledge based on the reasons others offer as evidence for that “knowledge”. How does this largely negative exercise help us discover/move towards knowledge?

1) Based on “The Apology” by Plato – (i) provide an elucidation of Socrates’ indictments; (ii) elaborate his defences against these charges; (iii) provide three arguments to convince your reader that the asking of questions can count as a form of corruption (specifically, an act that can corrupt others); and (iv) provide three arguments to […]

Define Utilitarianism and explain whether that approach is best for leaders of highly populated organizations.

1) Define Utilitarianism and explain whether that approach is best for leaders of highly populated organizations. 2) In Kant’s categorical imperative, the principle of respecting persons is emphasized. Provide an example of this type of approach and why it was or was not effective in the work setting. 3) John Dewey made the case for […]