Develop a Public Health Intervention Program to address one need found in ( vaccination needs assessment doc).

In 2 pages, develop a Public Health Intervention Program to address one need found in ( vaccination needs assessment doc). Follow and write using procedures explained in lectures, PowerPoints, and readings. Remember, interventions and strategies are based on the needs assessment as well as the resources (staff, time, space, finances) that you and your agency […]

What are the tradeoffs with each recommendation? Why would you follow your chosen recommendation, and how are your values important in reaching a decision?

What would you recommend: vaccination or no vaccination? What are the tradeoffs with each recommendation? Why would you follow your chosen recommendation, and how are your values important in reaching a decision? (The economic concepts used to explain the decision, rather than the ultimate decision itself, is what should be focused on in your answer).

Discuss the Indian Vaccination Act. Why was the Indian Vaccination Act passed? What were the Goals of the Act? Explain how the Act represents the Federal governments guardianship responsibilities? What relationship did the Act have with the policy of removal?

Paper details: For this weeks discussion board I would like you to discuss the Indian Vaccination Act. Why was the Indian Vaccination Act passed? What were the Goals of the Act? Explain how the Act represents the Federal governments guardianship responsibilities? What relationship did the Act have with the policy of removal?

Discuss What is your opinion on vaccination?What are vaccines and what are they made of?What is your opinion on vaccination, who should take them and who should avoid them if any? (Support your answer with 2 reputable sources*)

1.Discuss your thoughts on the listed questions below: *What is your opinion on vaccination? *What are vaccines and what are they made of? *What is your opinion on vaccination, who should take them and who should avoid them if any? (Support your answer with 2 reputable sources*) *Compare U.S. Vaccination to another country of your […]

What is herd immunity? How is this achieved? Why is this a public health priority to reduce the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases?

1. What is herd immunity? How is this achieved? Why is this a public health priority to reduce the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases? 2. What is the herd immunity threshold for measles (hint: red line 9:05 in Ted Talk)? Share the recommended vaccination for children and when should it be administered?