What type of genetic information does this virus carry? (dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, (-)RNA, (+)RNA)Describe

Questions: 1. Virus name: 2. Virus family: 3. Is this virus naked or enveloped? 4. What type of genetic information does this virus carry? (dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, (-)RNA, (+)RNA) 5. Describe the life cycle of a virus. Include all five steps (you may give the generalized virus life cycle). 6. Discuss the host range of […]

Discuss,What medical advice (based on the evidence) will you give Mrs. Billingsly?

This is for my women’s health class as a Nurse Practitioner. I have 2 research articles to appraise with use of the John Hopkins nursing evidence based practice: evidence level and quality guide. And I will need 2 more related research articles. I will attach the 2 articles and research appraisal assignment explanation & rubric […]

Explain,how does one balance individual freedom with protection of the community?

Write one page for the discussion Discussion: We learned in chapter 2 that epidemiologists can be thought of as medical detectives who determine the origins of disease by examining the earliest known human who was infected and the agent causing the infection. Consider the case of Gaetan Dugas, “Patient Zero” who was identified as a […]