What concerns do you have over reliability and validity in your study and how will you overcome these concerns?

Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Write 1 page for each discussion with 2 sources each Discussion 1 When you develop a research project, you need to have a reliable and valid method of measurement in your study. Using your anticipated research proposal, how will you address the issues of reliability and validity? What concerns […]

Define validity, including the different types and how they are assessed.

Reliability and Validity of Measurement Define reliability, including the different types and how they are assessed. Define validity, including the different types and how they are assessed. Describe the kinds of evidence that would be relevant to assessing the reliability and validity of a particular measure.  

What type of evidence will be important to gather to support the validity of the inferences drawn from selection assessment scores for the job you are analyzing?

Job Performance Criteria In this discussion, compare two different types of job performance criteria. For the unit assignment, what type of information are you using to determine which type of job performance (or job performance model) is most appropriate for the job you are analyzing in this course? When you complete your job analysis, you […]

Identify them and explain your reasoning.

Implementation Proposal Submit the Implementation Proposal to the School Board. Assuming that you obtained board approval to move forward with this project, you will next create a structure and implementation proposal that details the steps to complete the implementation from start to finish. Remember: you are providing an implementation strategy for IT staff that outlines […]

What is the information that can be taken from this article and used in your future practice of physical therapy

Write a critique regarding the above article, including at least 1-2 well developed paragraphs of the following information: a.) Limitations of the article – identify concerns related to validity, reliability, the population, the sample, the instruments used, etc. b.) Benefits of the study – outcomes of the study – why was it a good idea […]

If the study can still be considered valid, how might the results be used to change nursing practice?

DISCUSSION RESPONSE Read statement below. In response peer, identify potential threats to the validity of the research example. If the study can still be considered valid, how might the results be used to change nursing practice? Quantitative research is based on facts, numerical data, and statistics to prove or disprove a hypothesis (Polit & Beck, […]

Identify the research design in the study that you will replicate by designing your proposal.

Research designs Identify the research design in the study that you will replicate by designing your proposal. Summarize the definition of that design from the textbook. List two threats to internal validity from from any of the research reports that you are using for your proposal. List and summarize (from the textbook) two research designs […]

Do you think the measure has good reliability-What about validity? How would we, as psychologists, go about assessing the reliability-validity of the self-esteem scale?

Psychological Measurement: Defining and Measuring Variables Evaluating Reliability and Validity. Complete the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and compute your overall score. You don’t need to post your score,discuss how well you feel that measure describes your own sense of self-esteem and why. Do you think the measure has good reliability? What about validity? How would we, […]

Describe how you would analyze the data in terms of coding the data, description-thematic analysis stemmed from the codes, validity/reliability check, etc.

Think of a qualitative research project and write a plan for it Describe how you would analyze the data in terms of coding the data, description and thematic analysis stemmed from the codes, validity/reliability check, etc.

Describe background information on how that problem developed or came into existence. Show why this is a societal problem. Provide perspectives from multiple disciplines or populations so that you fully represent what different parts of society have to say about this issue.

Description Reflect: Based on the topic that you have chosen, you will need to use critical thinking skills to thoroughly understand how this topic can be a global societal problem and determine some logical solutions to the problem. Write: This Final Paper, an argumentative essay, will present research relating the critical thinker to the modern, […]