Explain the importance of appropriate use of variability, uncertainty, or context in visualizations

Overview: In this module, you learned the importance of how understanding the data variability, uncertainty, and context are crucial to interpreting data. In this assignment, you will manipulate visualizations you completed in the first module and describe how variability, uncertainty, and context affect the interpretation of the specific data presented. Prompt: Using the Google Public […]

Which areas of positive psychology, if any, do you think are culture free? (In other words, are there concepts in positive psychology that are universal?) We’ve explored how most concepts in the field are culturally embedded. Which constructs (happiness, values, character strengths, and/or the meaning of life) do you think are most influenced by cultural factors? Is there any research to support your hypothesis?

Please address the following questions in your initial post: If you have taken a statistics course, you likely learned about between-group and within-group variability. (If you haven’t taken one, don’t panic; you will be able to answer the question without having a statistical background.) Thinking about cultural and individual differences in some of the main […]

Which state has the most absolute variability in production? Which state has the most variably relative to mean production levels? Does this matter for production?

Assume the role of statistician at JBS Swift for a moment. Your Vice-President for Operations has asked you to generate some statistics on red meat production data. He has asked you to analyze trends across the country, which some added interest in three specific states: Colorado, Indiana, and Texas. He wants to understand what potential […]