Describe what variable would be tested and what would be your guess of the value of that variable.

Hypothesis Testing 1. Describe a hypothesis test study that would help your work or conclusions in some way. 2. Describe what variable would be tested and what would be your guess of the value of that variable. 3. Then include how the result, if the null were rejected or not, might change your conclusions or […]

What are 2 variable costs for the process-What are 2 fixed costs for the process-What cost driver you would select for allocating overhead to each job?

Discussion Post 3 Select an industry of your choice. Explain a product it would produce that could be accounted for using a job-costing system. What are 2 variable costs for the process? What are 2 fixed costs for the process? What cost driver you would select for allocating overhead to each job?

A large, national youth development organization funds local community-based agencies to follow its program model. The adolescents selected for the program must be identified as “high risk,” meaning that they live in an impoverished community, have a single parent, have low grades, have a parent who is or has been incarcerated, and/or are medically fragile. […]

Which would be the independent variable, and which would be the dependent variable? Without drawing a scatter plot, would you expect a positive, negative or no correlation? Explain.

Which would be the independent variable, and which would be the dependent variable? Without drawing a scatter plot, would you expect a positive, negative or no correlation? Explain. Would you categorize your data to have a strong or weak correlation? Why? What would the r2 value tell you about the data that you selected? What is […]

Describe the methods in 3 sentences or less. Be sure to include the treatments and the sample size. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable or variables?

Write out the full reference for the article in a standard format. Write out the in-text citation for the article (in the form we used in class and lab, not the form used in this article). Write the common name and scientific name for two species in the article. What is the question addressed in […]

Explain results using scientific reasoning by evaluating the validity of the original hypothesis based on the outcome of the investigation and discuss improvements or extensions to the method.

You will have an opportunity to investigate 2 different options that are relevant to the topic of study. You can choose to investigate and design a lab on any of the following: 1. The main two factors that influence the kinetic energy. 2. The main two factors that influence the gravitational potential energy. For criterion […]

Suppose the price of Cod is determined by simultaneous solution of the market supply and demand of Cod. Discuss how this is problematic for your estimate of the own price of elasticity for Cod. Use the variable “average water temperature” to obtain a new estimate of the own price elasticity of Cod. Evaluate whether “average water temperature” is an appropriate instrument.

Description a) Produce a scatterplot of price and quantity demanded of Cod. Set aside the variable “average water temperature.” Estimate the household demand function for Cod as a function of the price of Cod, weekly Income, the price of Beef, and some or all of the other provided variables. Carry out and report the necessary […]

What procedures would you perform to assign the participants randomly to the treatment groups? Why is this important?Discuss

Researchers don’t just pull a number out of thin air to decide to test a random number of people. There is thought put in the decision and action. How would you figure out the correct number of participants? Not looking for a numerical answer of participants, but rather the procedures that you would go through […]

Explain can you control for threats to causal/internal validity, and if so, how?

Description   This paper should be based on the pre-determined topic used in your topic related HW assignments. Copy and paste the bolded headings and italicized questions below into a separate document. Below each heading/subheading/question, discuss your answer to the questions asked/instructions provided. Style and tone should be professional, clear, and free of any errors […]

Explain the general expectations and requirements for the Discounted Cash Flow Model Valuation Assignment that is to be prepared for FINC 440.

Description Company Pfizer The purpose of this note is to carefully explain the general expectations and requirements for the Discounted Cash Flow Model Valuation Assignment that is to be prepared for FINC 440. The information and materials presented here are intended to make sure that you clearly understand the general expectations and that there are […]