What type of graph would you use to display the organized data from each frequency distribution? What would be shown on each of the axes for each graph?Discuss

Week 2 Discussion: 4545 unread replies.6262 replies. Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: OpenStax Book: Chapter 2—Section 2.1 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source In your reference for this assignment, be sure to include both your text/class materials AND your outside reading(s). Initial Post Instructions Suppose that you have two sets of […]

Comparatively analyse the impact of social movements on institutional change in three countries.

Description The countries chosen in any question must not include: United States or United Kingdom, at least one must be from the non Western world and the institution relevant for the question must be present in all three countries. Question – Comparatively analyse the impact of social movements on institutional change in three countries – […]

Describe variable agreement in Python by studying variables and the concatenation of variables; and explain the need for variable agreement between multiple variables.

Description Begin your paper with a short Introduction. Then in a bulleted list, briefly describe the following variable types: – Integers – Floating point values – Boolean Values – Strings The body of your paper should address the following: – Describe variable agreement in Python by studying variables and the concatenation of variables; and explain […]

Discuss an overview of the problem, the scope and significance of the problem as well as the connection between your research question and the problem. Include the variables and define the independent and dependent variables.

3 For this assignment, refer back to the research problem and question you submitted in Module One. This week, submit a short paper that discusses the research problem and question you have selected for your Final Project. Discuss an overview of the problem, the scope and significance of the problem as well as the connection […]

Give the equation of the regression line a) Plug an actual x value into the equation and discuss the difference between the real y and the predicted y b) Use the equation to make a prediction c) Discuss the domain of your data

Description AS Description: This is the 1st portion of a project that will span the remainder of the units. In this unit you will need to come up with a topic, design a survey, collect and analysis data. AS Instructions: Complete and answer the following: 1) Choose a topic related to your major (Criminal Justice). […]

Describe how the Prosecutor’s Fallacy could impact the interpretation of the test.

It is early 2019, and Fearless Breweries isa household name in the pub industry in England and Wales. Fearless operates a network of pubs, restaurants, off-licenses and other outlets. After a challenging few years, in which the company was largely written off byindustry experts, the company was rebranded in 2016, and is now considered one […]

Identify the variables to be utilized. One should be categorical (which may be created from a continuous variable, i.e., variable months enrolled at this school; Categories: less than one year and one or more years) and two should be continuous variables.Discuss

Devise two research questions based on the variables in the class dataset. Identify the variables to be utilized. One should be categorical (which may be created from a continuous variable, i.e., variable months enrolled at this school; Categories: less than one year and one or more years) and two should be continuous variables. Use descriptive […]

Write a comparison between at least 3 countries, and a minimum of 3 variables (you can use the website World Values Survey).

Using academic references and quantitative data, your essay should imply a comparison between at least 3 countries, and a minimum of 3 variables (you can use the website World Values Survey). You should justify your choices.

Are the independent, dependent, and control variables clear and appropriate? Does the experiment actually address the hypothesis?Discuss

Is this an experiment that relates substantively to PHY 111? (You can make the connection clear in your introduction.) Are the independent, dependent, and control variables clear and appropriate? Does the experiment actually address the hypothesis? Was the experiment carried out with appropriate measurements and precision? Is a thorough and accurate understanding of the relevant […]