Discuss Did they use similar or different designs? Did that make sense given the specific research question? Were the conclusions different? Why might that be?

Paper details: Overview: For this assignment, you will be required to (a) identify two research articles in peer-reviewed journals on a topic that interests you (b) find the articles in an electronic journal and/or at the library (c) carefully review the articles and extract information on the concepts we have been discussing this semester and […]

Calculate descriptive statistics for each of the three variables: Mean, median, mode, standard deviation and interpret them in narrative form. Pearson Product Moment Correlations between all three variables. Interpret these findings.

This assignment contains two datasets, one in an Excel file and the other in an SPSS data file, both containing the same data. The dataset contains three variables: age measured in years, engagement (average score of a survey on a five-point Likert scale), and extroversion (average score of a survey on a five-point Likert scale). […]

Which compensation option (base, performance, indirect) are they likely to prefer- explain why?

For each generations don’t worry about gen z right consider Which compensation option (base, performance, indirect) are they likely to prefer- explain why? Within performance and indirect which option would the generations likely to relate to best- explain why? Identify other structural variables that should be attend to for the different generations(pick one or two […]

Analyze the set of data provided in the Student Data Table in Week 1. Using at least three of the variables in the dataset (one categorical and two continuous), you will identify two research questions, develop hypotheses, test for relationship, and use the statistics to answer the questions and hypotheses.

OVERVIEW For your final project, you will analyze the set of data provided in the Student Data Table in Week 1. Using at least three of the variables in the dataset (one categorical and two continuous), you will identify two research questions, develop hypotheses, test for relationship, and use the statistics to answer the questions […]

Discuss How should the researcher handle “don’t know” responses?

How should the researcher handle “don’t know” responses? You study the attrition of entering college freshmen (those students who enter college as freshmen but don’t stay to graduate.). You find the following relationships between attrition, aid, and distance of home from college. What is your interpretation? Consider all variables and relationships. Home Near Home Far […]

Describe the treatment condition. How was it operationalized? What experimental research design is used? What statistics are used to analyze the data?

Critiquing is about using your knowledge to evaluate and providing justification. Whether a random selection method was used Description of the dependent variables or independent variables Describe the treatment condition. How was it operationalized? What experimental research design is used? What statistics are used to analyze the data?

List at least 5 potential independent variables you believe will affect the decision to pay for the express lane. Describe how and why you expect them to affect the likelihood of a driver choosing to pay for an express lane.

List at least 5 potential independent variables you believe will affect the decision to pay for the express lane. Describe how and why you expect them to affect the likelihood of a driver choosing to pay for an express lane.

Describe your study design and make sure to include how you plan to measure your variables and what statistical analyses you plan to use.

Briefly explain your research question, variables, and hypothesized predictions. Next, describe your study design and make sure to include how you plan to measure your variables and what statistical analyses you plan to use. Provide justification for the statistical analysis you select. Next, clarify how this statistical analysis will help support your hypothesis. Lastly, summarize […]

What is the value of the regression coefficient,r? What is the value of the coefficient of determination, r^2? What does r^2 tell us?

Due Thursday Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Models help us describe and summarize relationships between variables. Understanding how process variables relate to each other helps businesses predict and improve performance. For example, a marketing manager might be interested in modeling the relationship between advertisement expenditures and sales revenues. Consider the […]