How many ways a sample containing non-defective and  defective part can be chosen from a group containing  non-defective and  defective parts? 

ASSIGNMENT A 1.Suppose a point is to be selected at random from the unit square. Write the sample space associated with this random experiment. 2.Let , the set of odd natural numbers, and  the set of natural numbers divisible by 5.  What is the set ? 3.A computer password consists of two lowercase letters followed […]

What degree was your glancing collision an elastic collision?

Collisions in Two Dimensions Questions . Under what conditions is momentum conserved? How do you quantitatively characterize elastic and inelastic collisions? Are collisions between steel balls 100% elastic? How do you graphically represent vectors that have errors? How do you propagate the errors in vectors? Calculate a percent difference between your measured angle and this […]

Calculate the kinetic energy of the two particles before and after collision.

Deduce the final equation by using the cos and sin theta Considerer the collision between a moving particle of mass M1 and an initially stationary particle of mass M2, assume collision occurs at an angle θ defined by the initial trajectory of M1 and the line joining the mass centers at contact. 1- Calculate the […]

Do you think these two children are likely to have been injured in the collision?

3. Watch Segment D (Vectors and Scalars), Segment E (Graphical Resolution of Vectors) and Segment F (Mathematic Resolution of Vectors) at (The GPB Physics In Motion video series). Then write answers to the following questions, showing all your calculations. [a] A child with mass Y kilograms (kg) who is skating eastward in a hockey […]