What might you learn from these visual representations about the person and their culture for its time?

Without using the words rule or lead, explain the difference between a ruler and a leader. Do portraits of ruler and leaders tell us what he or she looked like in reality? Discuss several aspects in each work of art that might seem realistic, stylized, exaggerated and/or idealized a ruler or leader’s appearance. What might […]

What is one possible evolutionary inference they could make from this discovery?

Mission 1 TRAINING TREES.  Contains three sub-sections. Red, Green, and Gecko: Make a phylogeny of the gecko, palm tree, and fungus. Paste a screen shot of your tree here: Which organism is more closely related to the fungus? Plant Animal Familiar Faces:  Make a phylogeny of the kingsnake, stick insect, goldfish, and dog. Paste a […]