Identify and discuss at least two strategies that would prove unethical solutions to your identified ethical dilemmas.

Ethical Dilemmas in Your Venture (Bountiful Garden Center Ethical Dilemmas in Your Venture Consider the venture that you have developed and through research from sources provided in the course and from academic and scholarly resources outside of the course, evaluate and discuss the following elements: · Identify and discuss at least two ethical dilemmas that […]

Discuss how these views are relevant to your company (either your personal business venture you selected or the one you and your team selected).

Organisation Behavior Discuss the different views of Content Theory vs. Process Theory of Motivation. Which approach from Content theory, and which approach from process theory of motivation do you believe are ideal approaches to use for an organization such as yours, and why?Discuss how these views are relevant to your company (either your personal business […]

Identify any remaining “gaps” in the data or existing research that might be necessary to make the strongest case possible for your proposed venture/project .

Identify any remaining “gaps” in the data or existing research that might be necessary to make the strongest case possible for your proposed potential/project . What information is needed, but not present in the existing literature, that would provide the missing link for getting a green light for your proposed venture/project? Prepare a 750-word narrative […]

Create an international business or international venture outside of the U.S. (e.g., export/import, franchising, manufacturing, joint venture, etc.).

Description Final Paper: Strategic Plan [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3, 5] Prior to beginning work on this Final Paper, review Chapters 1 through 20 in the course textbook. The Final Paper should demonstrate your understanding of the readings and other course material. By creating an international business or an international business venture, you […]