Who authorized the search-What were the grounds for the search warrant?

Week 1 Discussion: Former President – Search & Seizure https://apps.npr.org/documents/document.html?id=22131380-trump-warrant-uns Links to an external site. 1. Under which branch of government is the President? 2. Under which branch of government is the Federal Bureau of Investigation? 3. What is a search warrant? 4. Who authorized the search? What were the grounds for the search warrant? […]

Discuss any follow-up activities the person you interviewed suggested.

Write a 1,050-1400-word interview report. Identify whom you interviewed, their title, and years of working experience in the area of Operations Management. Provide insights into your subject’s role and why Operations Management is vital to his/her organization. Provide the reason for selecting the individual you chose to interview. List the questions you asked. Do not […]

What did the author introduce that was unique-If not, where did the article fall short?

There are two forms of reading/thinking that are necessary for a strong article analysis: ANALYSIS= Presentation of main issue/s; Identification of approach of author; Brief summary of content. Nota bene: the majority of your essay should not be a recapitulation of the scholarly publication. Providing a brief summary will help foreground your arguments, but the […]

View the video and observe how the leader deals with a new member who sketches himself as innocent and how he uses the group to deal with the new member.

View the video and observe how the leader deals with a new member who sketches himself as innocent and how he uses the group to deal with the new member. Video record at least three of your verbatim responses as the group leader in this scenario.  

How does the data you gained from the personality and temperament assessments from week 3 relate to the Belbin roles?

Your journal assignment for this week has two parts. Part 1 is another skill-builder: sharpening your listening and attention skills. Part 2 is a reflection/self assessment exercise. Effective Listening: Effective listening requires you suspend judgment and to focus attention on the speaker’s words such that you can accurately repeat them verbatim. This is actually quite […]

Critique a peer’s verbatim.Demonstrate the basic counseling skills as well as one advanced therapeutic method explored during the class.

Students will critique a peer’s verbatim. An example critiqued verbatim is provided below. The submitted verbatim should be an 8 minute verbatim of a video session that demonstrates the basic counseling skills as well as one advanced therapeutic method explored during the class.