Which of the social engineering scams do you find the most interesting?

Who ultimately has ultimate responsibility for the computer security policies and organization implements and why? Consider the data owner, system owner, executive management, CIO, CEO, and the company’s Board members? Which of the social engineering scams do you find the most interesting? Have any you ever been the victim of a social engineering scam?   […]

What types of factors influenced the person to act the way he or she did?

Provide some background about the situation? • How have you coped with the situation so far? • How has your anger helped you cope? How has it interfered with your life? • Why might you make a decision to forgive? • What types of factors influenced the person to act the way he or she […]

Defend why your selected theory is the best explanation for the criminal behavior exhibited in the current event.

Topic: Criminal Behavior Assessment Select an event that occurred within the past 12–24 months involving an individual who has been arrested and charged with a criminal offense. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you: Align your chosen event to a school of thought or use law enforcement reports and victim statistical surveys theory […]

Discuss speaking with the reporting party, victim, and/or witness during an interview and how you may need to ask follow-up questions to obtain vital information.

Types of Statements Discuss speaking with the reporting party, victim, and/or witness during an interview and how you may need to ask follow-up questions to obtain vital information. How can Miranda and related Constitutional rights issues come into play? (200 words or more, 100 points)

What would you do now if you were a police detective in this situation?Explain your answer.

Detective Three months after the victim was shot, doctors tell the police that the victim is about to die. Because the victim has been in and out of consciousness at the hospital ever since the shooting, the police have not conducted any identification procedures with the victim, although they have identified the prime suspect. What […]

Discuss the importance of active listening and being genuine in your care for the victim.

Chose a recent crime/case where there were victims. Find a video (news footage, raw witness footage, etc.) that discusses the case. Include the video as a resource in your paper, and you will post it for fellow students in your discussion board. Stage Crisis Intervention Model Using Robert’s R-SSCIM 7 stage crisis intervention model (Chapter […]