What skills appear to be needed to help the gambler successfully meet essential needs?

Discussion 4 1. Considering that problematic gambling can be an attempt to cope, describe how problematic gambling is related to the following: self-esteem, interpersonal relationships/interactions, work/recreation and unresolved grief. What is the gambler expressing emotionally by gambling? In reviewing the gambler’s family history, how may s/he be continuing early patterns established in the family that […]

What is the unit of analysis-How can you conclude if the data is valid and reliable?

Read the Crime Victimization Report – https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv11.pdf. The data collection on this report has been obtained from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). With the most current data from NCVS, evaluate and explain if the trend data compiled from the Crime in the United States’ website is contrary or consistent […]

Explain the challenges associated with the accuracy of victim responses to victimization surveys.

Explain the challenges associated with reporting data to crime databases (such as the UCR, NIBRS, or the NCVS) experienced by victims, witnesses and police. Make sure to include police-related factors that may affect reported crime rates. Explain the challenges associated with the accuracy of victim responses to victimization surveys.

What major question does it answer for us, and why do you think this information is important to our knowledge of victimization and victimology?

Article critique Main Findings in this Study (1-2 paragraphs maximum): What are the primary findings of this study? Why do the authors think they found what they did? Contribution to Our Understanding of Victimization: Say what primary contribution this study has added to our understanding of the topic. What major question does it answer for […]

What does the fiction this week suggest about the concepts of victimization and empathy? Do both pieces connect those concepts to ideas related to addiction-Why or why not?

Discussion Present your prompt response for this week in a narrated PowerPoint or via a screen cast. You may fully verbalize your response, but please put the lines you are speaking about on the screen for your peers, and include an image that you feel relates to your response and explain how it does. Try […]

Provide an overview of this type of victimization.-What are some of the unique aspects associated with this type of victimization

CCCJ 6665- Discussion #11 Choose one type of victimization that was discussed in the materials this week. Provide an overview of this type of victimization. What are some of the unique aspects associated with this type of victimization and what safeguards could be put in place to help reduce it? Be specific and cite your […]

How would a social process theorist explain the fact that many children begin offending at an early age and then desist from crime as they mature?

MIDTERM EXAM Please answer each question in depth 1 page per question. 1.) What are the specific aims and purposes of criminal law? To what extent does criminal law control behavior? Do you believe that the law is too restrictive? Not restrictive enough? 2.) How would you explain gender differences in the crime rate? Why […]

Can you recall some local or national cases? What factors played a role in the case of your choice? What could be done to prevent school and work victimization of any type? If you could, would you implement any changes to our laws to protect individuals from being victimized in those places?Discuss

Description Assignment 2 – Please, think about factors that the research shows are related to school and work victimization. Can you recall some local or national cases? What factors played a role in the case of your choice? What could be done to prevent school and work victimization of any type? If you could, would […]

Write a four (4) page research paper on a common theme (love, hate, religion, ethics, egotism, manipulation, victimization, subjugation, etc.) that is inherent in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and William Shakespeare’s Othello.

Write a four (4) page research paper on a common theme (love, hate, religionShakespeare, ethics, egotism, manipulation, victimization, subjugation, etc.) that is inherent in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and William Shakespeare’s Othello. Your paper must include at least four scholarly sources for support. Both a Works Cited, Bibliography, and thesis statement are mandatory.

When the capacity to think clearly or the ability to communicate objections effectively are diminished, does that indicate a logical direction for schools to take?Discuss

Understanding the statistically significant relationships between sexual victimization and socio-psychological factors, develop a policy which will reduce the risk of sexual assault on a college campus. To accomplish this, you will need first to research the relationship between the characteristics of the traditional college lifestyle which might lead to an enhancement of the opportunity to […]