What are the first signs and symptoms of video games addiction?

Written Assignment 3 Answer any two (2) of the following questions. Answers to each question should be in the range of 500-700 words, or the equivalent of two-three typed, 12 point font, double-spaced pages, and include at least two references other than those in the reading assignments. Please note that your references should begin on […]

Explain what happens in the game & how the women are hypersexualized. What specifically makes your example, hypersexualization?

Paper details: PART I Provide eight main ideas from this reading. Include main points from the beginning, middle & end of the reading. Be sure to include in-text citations from the textbook reading, with page numbers, for each main idea The main points should be a minimum of 20 words each. Include the word count […]

Explain what this video and article on big data are about.

Please complete the following and then answer the accompanying discussion questions. (1) View the following video in Youtube: ” The Latest Innovations in Health and Fitness Technology” at (2) Read the Bloomberg.com article from Tuesday, April 28, 2020: “How China is attempting to prevent a second wave” at: Pay particular attention to the section on: […]

Describe the interactions observed in all three videos. What is the ratio of praise to constructive statements in each video?

Describe the interactions observed in all three videos. What is the ratio of praise to constructive statements in each video? Research best practices related to supervision feedback. Summarize the main conclusions of the research. How did what you observed in each of the videos compare to best practice techniques in the OBM literature on feedback […]

What can you do to improve future short research presentations?

1. Ensure to use less than 10% of citations throughout the paper. 2. What tool did you use to record your video? (I used Screencast-O-Matic) 3. What was the most difficult task to accomplish this assignment? 4. What can you do to improve future short research presentations? 5. Use as many references as needed to […]