Discuss the women in the assigned videos, specifically discuss how they came to work in the criminal justice system and any insight they provide you about their positions the first two questions are only opinions and third is from the video

Use the video to answer only 3 questions The presence of professional women in the criminal justice system is growing, however, it is still small . (1) Discuss the challenges for women professionals in the criminal justice system, (2) Discuss the future of professional women in the criminal justice system, and (3) Discuss the women […]

How can you address probable challenges before the crisis occurs?

week 8 business Crisis Communication Plan Review the video, Three Things You Need to Know about Crisis Communication In a minimum of 300 words, respond to the following: When people don’t know what to do in a crisis situation, what happens? How can you address probable challenges before the crisis occurs?

What was its purpose/function-How was it a reflection of the culture that made it?

https://smarthistory.org/sarcophagus-of-junius-bassus/ https://smarthistory.org/santa-sabina/ https://smarthistory.org/hagia-sophia-istanbul/ https://smarthistory.org/san-vitale/   Watch the 7 videos below and select 4 to write about. Write 5 significant things that you learned about each work of art or architecture. For example: What was the subject matter? What was its purpose/function? How was it a reflection of the culture that made it? What was the […]

What would you do as a manager to change the culture of employees who are not motivated?

Watch the video below; Then, submit a 3-page minimum Essay on your analysis from a Work Motivation standpoint. Use your textbook to explore the issues here of anger, job dissatisfaction, issues at play. What would you do as a manager to change the culture of employees who are not motivated? What needs to change? Can […]

Explain Three important barriers to effective knowledge sharing as highlighted in the video.

12.1 Learning Outcomes: Recognize the overall knowledge management processes, concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organization. 12.2 Action Required: Click on the following link and watch the video about Barriers to effective knowledge sharing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2J1aOwAEmE 12.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): Explain Three important barriers to effective knowledge sharing as highlighted in the video. […]

Have you ever written a paper and copied ideas without giving credit to the original writer?

Have you ever written a paper and copied ideas without giving credit to the original writer? Watch the video and reflect on the importance of understanding what plagiarism is. Feel free to provide suggestions to avoid plagiarism. Read and reply to at least two of your peers’ posts. To reinforce the use of MLA and […]

Discuss how you would utilize it in the field/practice with clients.

Motivational Interviewing Advantages & use in the Workplace After reading and watching the video on MI, write a 2-page reflection on the benefits of using Motivational Interviewing and discuss how you would utilize it in the field/practice with clients. feel free to use additional articles to support your writing.

Summarize the points made in the video. Given his presentation, what are his thoughts about COVID-19?

Watch the following video. https://www.hoover.org/research/what-happened-dr-jay-bhattacharya-19-months-covid Summarize the points made in the video. Given his presentation, what are his thoughts about COVID-19? Do you agree with him? Given what he says about COVID-19, have we generally been justified in our response to the virus? Why or why not? Make sure you use quotation marks and proper […]