Given that most Healthcare organizations are not-for-profit, why do you think the cost of healthcare has risen so much?

Week 1 video After reviewing the video answer the question below. This week’s video is introductory in nature. Though not specifically for our course, much of it applies. Given that most Healthcare organizations are not-for-profit, why do you think the cost of healthcare has risen so much?

How does the physical classroom arrangement support or hinder instruction?

Classroom Practice Reflection 1 Choose an English Language Arts (ELA) lesson from these instructional videos. LINK: (you can choose an age group and topic from the ELA category that interests you). Then, write a brief (about two or three double-spaced pages) typed, narrative reflection based on your observations. Your reflection should include these four sections. […]

Write your thoughts on the the TED talk, The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers.

Write your thoughts on the the TED talk, The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers. You will find the link to the video under the “Video Resources” if you need to watch the TED talk again. In your summary, explain the 3 characteristics that Adam Grant outlines that set creative “originals” apart from others. In the […]

Define new public management as an approach to performance management

Watch the video at the following link 6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): Define new public management as an approach to performance management Define new public service as an approach to performance management 6.4 Instructions Answer both questions in the test your knowledge section. Post your answer on the discussion board using the discussion link below […]

Which steps tend to be the most difficult? Detail why and how that may affect your teaching?

Topic: Planning for Instruction Note some of the components in effective planning and delivering instruction. In a 1-2-page paper, list and explain which components, are easiest for you to implement? Detail why and how that these components affect your teaching. Which steps tend to be the most difficult? Detail why and how that may affect […]

what are your thoughts about health care inequalities and the need for continuing reform?

Topic: Health care inequalities Based on viewing the Johnson & Johnson video, what are your thoughts about health care inequalities and the need for continuing reform? (Share at least 2 points of view.) Watch the video below using the link. Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA […]