Have you ever engaged in moral hazard  taking a bigger risk then you normally would with a financial decision? Were there any negative consequences to this moral hazard for you or someone else?

Week 3 Watch the video below. Think critically about this question: Have you ever engaged in moral hazard  taking a bigger risk then you normally would with a financial decision? Were there any negative consequences to this moral hazard for you or someone else?

Prepare a quick video addressing  what the HR law change is, how it impacts organizations, -why it is important

Business Organization Behavior 1) Assume you are brought before your board of directors and are asked to make a presentation about a pressing and critical HR matter for 2021 2) Prepare a quick video addressing  what the HR law change is, how it impacts organizations, and why it is important 3) Make your video practical […]

What elements of the genre are being used in one specific piece (pick one of the videos).

Reading quiz For each video (primary sources),answer the following questions: 1. What did you enjoy most about the video? Be specific and use examples from life experience, experiential learning, and the video themselves (MLA format). 2. Paraphrase each video in four or less sentences. 3.What elements of the genre are being used in one specific […]

Do a YouTube search for and view “’Your body language shapes who you are’ by Amy Cuddy”.What are your thoughts concerning the video? Do you find yourself exhibiting some of the nonverbal behaviors mentioned in the video or do you have friends that exhibit some the nonverbal behaviors?

1) Do a YouTube search for and view “’Your body language shapes who you are’ by Amy Cuddy”. 2) Write about the following: What are your thoughts concerning the video? Do you find yourself exhibiting some of the nonverbal behaviors mentioned in the video or do you have friends that exhibit some the nonverbal behaviors? […]

Choose one of the questions on the survey and research an intervention to improve patient satisfaction on that question.Discuss

Review the HCAPHS Survey.pdf Choose one of the questions on the survey and research an intervention to improve patient satisfaction on that question. Drop a pdf of the article for your solution in the Week 7: Assignment 2 submission folder. Review the rubric to make sure you include all required information in your video assignment. […]

Discuss the pros and cons of the policy, bill, or law. Are there any controversies surrounding this issues and if so why?

Policy Research Paper This paper will consist of a TOTAL of 6 pages to include the following: Title Page, 4 content pages, 1 Reference Page. Papers should be written in APA with a Running Head but DO NOT INCLUDE ABSTRACT. Your references should be from works within the last 5 years. You can use journals, books, newspapers, etc. You CANNOT use Wikipedia […]

What do you see as the major differences between content and style of each video? Is it similar to the differences you found between practitioner and scholarly journal articles?

Previous Next For your discussion, find two videos: one by a leading practitioner of finance, and one by a leading scholar. Examples of prestigious practitioners include legendary investors Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch. Some of top scholars of finance include William Sharpe, the original developer of the CAPM. The late Stephen Ross is the author of […]