What part of the second video did you find interesting, upsetting, or uplifting? Why?

Questions: 1. What is your impression of the homeless situation in Los Angeles? (2 points) 2. What part of the first video did you find interesting, upsetting, or uplifting? Why? (3 points) 3. How does the first video relate to one’s overall health? (2 points) 4. What was your impression of the Help for the […]

What emotions come to your awareness for you, the doctor, the patient and the family? Explain.

Video 1: Watch the video: “Reflective Discussion Video about a Request to Hasten Death” (Health Care Professionals from 12 years ago and updated version 2012) Video 2: Watch the video: “Discussing Goals of Care” (Hasten Death Request) (PDV008)- 2012 update Answer these questions: What is happening? What issues does the video raise? What emotions come […]

Briefly explain the Trolley Problem (not the Footbridge Dilemma that comes later in the video) in your own words. Then, explain how you think a utilitarian would respond to the dilemma that you explained and whether you agree with the utilitarian that that action is what the individual in the case ought to do.

Watch the video below for a short animation of the traditional Trolley Problem (first scenario) and the Footbridge version (second scenario). Watch the video linked below. briefly explain the Trolley Problem (not the Footbridge Dilemma that comes later in the video) in your own words. Then, explain how you think a utilitarian would respond to […]

Discuss You are Destin’s coach!  Based on what you have learned, is it possible to speed up his process of learning to ride a bike backwards? If so, how? If not, why not?

1. Choose one of the following concepts that you saw illustrated in the video, define the concept, and describe how it was demonstrated in the video: Choose only 1 concept for this question. Knowledge of results and knowledge of performance Distributed vs. massed practice Observational learning of motor skills Positive and negative transfer Adams’s two-stage […]

Explain how do they use/abuse that power? Watch the video about leadership, then complete the assignment based on your observations of the video.

The purpose of the reflection is to provide content for your final project and also consider who holds power in your organization- how do they use/abuse that power? Watch the video about leadership, then complete the assignment based on your observations of the video. (I work in hospitality at an amusement park). Through this assignment, […]

Discuss,Was this video useful in preparing me to run my own group? Why or why not? What are some of the things I noticed and felt were important (if anything) in the video?

Please watch at least 40 minutes of the video. You do NOT have to start at the beginning and it is FINE to jump around. LAST_CHANCE_FOR_EDEN_2_Title1.mp4 This video is also from Stir Fry Seminars (Lee Mun Wah) and includes women as well as men. After reviewing the video, please write a 1/2 – 1-page reflection paper […]

What is the most striking aspect of this presenation? Why? Recall a memorable word, phrase, passage.

Please see the video presenation on,The Danger of a Single Story (see link below) in a 250-300 word essay, react to it. As you reflect, consider the following questions: 1. What is the most striking aspect of this presenation? Why? Recall a memorable word, phrase, passage. 2. What does this message remind you of? Can […]

Write two paragraphs with an introduction and one body paragraph for “The Blue Hotel” discuss the setting in this story.

1) Write two paragraphs with an introduction and one body paragraph for “The Blue Hotel” discuss the setting in this story. 2) How did the video help you better understand the story be specific and refer to places in the video (exact quotes) and keep it brief.

Does playing violent video games make a person more aggressive?Discuss.

Topic: Violent video games and how there is no proven link between them and increased aggressive behaviors Paper details: 4. Does playing violent video games make a person more aggressive? This is the prompt chosen and the paper will be about violent video games having no direct, proven link to violent behavior. I’ve included the […]