How have you engaged in the concepts discussed in the videos (disability culture, allyship, and be the change) during your service learning experience?

After watching the Allyship, Disability Culture, and Be the Change videos posted in weeks 2 and 5 on BB, answer the following questions: How have you engaged in the concepts discussed in the videos (disability culture, allyship, and be the change) during your service learning experience? How do you anticipate your team will incorporate the […]

What is the importance of using SAM when interviewing an ill or injured person ?

Now that we have finished looking at the presentation, let’s take this opportunity to learn a bit about how  “Check, call and Care – Responsive Person” .Click on the video below to watch it.  Then, follow the instructions below the video. Check Call Care Adult and Pediatric (Videos)Links to an external site. Click REPLY below […]

Identify one area in instruction and one area in assessment you believe you need some professional development.

Identify one area in instruction and one area in assessment you believe you need some professional development. Find 5 resources for each websites, scholarly articles, videos (You Tube, Teacher Tube, et cetera) for a total of 10 entries. Submit an annotated bibliography. Include link(s) for websites or videos and PDFs of any articles.

What critical thinking strategies can be used to evaluate this scenario?

Step 1: Consider the scenario below: A recent scandal has found your town’s mayor in a serious predicament. Videos have been released that show the mayor donating a large sum of money to an unspecified local charity. Unfortunately, this donation was made using the campaign contributions of his constituents. The townspeople are appalled to see […]

Share your observations (400 words) about what you have learned about the evolution of mathematics through the readings, videos, and your attempts to work with ancient instructions.

Topic: Evolution of mathematics Evolution of mathematics: a brief sketch Share your observations (400 words) about what you have learned about the evolution of mathematics through the readings, videos, and your attempts to work with ancient instructions.  

What economic, legal, and ethical responsibilities does the corporation have to these various stakeholders?

Choose one of the four topics listed below. Explore the articles, videos, and podcasts below each topic. Feel free to do further research as well. Academic honesty: If you quote verbatim, or use any author’s idea, please indicate your source by placing the author’s name in parenthesis at the end of the quoted material or […]

What industry do you plan to pursue a career in?

Ethical Issues in Your Chosen Career text book – Current job is a Staff Accountant at a Property Management Company Using the information obtained from the Reflective Writing resources craft a reflection paper focused on the ethical challenges associated with the industry you plan to have a career in. What industry do you plan to […]

Describe areas in analytics you have not used for your specific sport and why or why not you will be implementing these methods moving forward in your Coaching?

Up until this point you have developed new ideas through the readings, videos and discussion boards. Along the way you may have questioned yourself on if certain ideas are relative to you and your sport. Last week, you described how you use data/stats in your in game decision making. In this weeks post,describe areas in […]

Choose ONE of the 37 lessons you have listed on the previous question above, and share how that knowledge could have helped you in of yours real life events.

Description 2 Things to do for this assignment: 1.) After watching ALL thirty seven videos on this playlist (if you prefer reading, besides watching, you can always download the transcript from each video at YouTube)   present a list with the MOST important lesson (in your opinion) from EACH of the videos. 2) Choose ONE […]

Write about a claim from the videos that you found surprising. You should paraphrase the claim and any arguments or evidence that the author of the claim provided in support. Then you should say why you found the claim surprising. Would someone with an opposing viewpoint to your find the claim less surprising? Explain.

1. Write about a claim from the videos that you found surprising. You should paraphrase the claim and any arguments or evidence that the author of the claim provided in support. Then you should say why you found the claim surprising. Would someone with an opposing viewpoint to your find the claim less surprising? Explain. […]