How do these articles support, or refute the ideal of Globalization the growth and role of international institutions?

You have read 3 articles. You must summarize each one, using your own words – not lengthy quotes from the articles. These summaries should be about 2 paragraphs, not including any introductory comments.After you summarize the articles you should address the following issues: How do these positions agree or disagree with each other? How do […]

Demonstrate the synthesis and integration of course materials and integrate multiple viewpoints and resources.

Expectation: Responses demonstrate the synthesis and integration of course materials and integrate multiple viewpoints and resources. Responses contribute to deepening or broadening the discussion while maintaining the key area of focus. Resources are utilized and properly cited. Response to an individual post so two total about 1 paragraph each

What are we to make of the various viewpoints of this monumental incident? How much weight should be given to the varied accounts?

For your initial post, using a minimum of 200 words, respond to the week’s reading/viewing material and the Virtual Tours Questions: Who was at fault for the incident? What are we to make of the various viewpoints of this monumental incident? How much weight should be given to the varied accounts?