What are the implications for effectiveness, efficiency, cost and patient-centered for each of these examples?

Answer questions 1 and 2.  make reference to concepts, theory, information material reviewed in the chapters or researched on your own.  Examples must be clearly identified and related to the questions.  1- Provide three real-world examples in a health care organization of competing values that can adversely affect quality and cost.  What are the implications […]

Discuss two or three strategies you use (or would use) as a coach or athletic administrator to help prevent accidents at your site.

MCAA580 Site (premises) liability is major concern for both coaches and athletic administrators. While we can never completely immune our organizations from this area of liability, with appropriate due diligence, planning and vigilance we can certainly mitigate the liability for our venues.Discuss two or three strategies you use (or would use) as a coach or […]