Demonstrate an ability to work independently to advance own knowledge through research.

Topic: fda counselling studies To write literature review 2500, introduction, summary table to include source, aim, type of study, key findings, then main body then finish of with conclusion. literature review has to critically compare a range of research techniques and methodologies and their application to practice in counselling. Critically analyse secondary research which is […]

How would you explain this to them, and what recommendations would you make to reduce the organization’s liability in workplace violence incidents?

33018 QUESTION 1 Upper management at the CSU Widget Factory does not understand why they have any liability when it comes to workplace violence. How would you explain this to them, and what recommendations would you make to reduce the organization’s liability in workplace violence incidents? Your response should be a minimum of 400 words. […]

Does the fine have a minimum, maximum, or required amount?

Policy Review POLICY REVIEW ASSIGNMENT This assignment is brief and narrow in scope. Find a policy that you can fit into the assignment requirements that is related to violence in sports or gendered violence. These categories are broad, and you can choose topics related to them, even if they are not topics we touch on […]

Why banning violence from children’s media is important

Why violence should be banned from children’s media. At the end of essay, the audience will agree that movies, television shows, and movies for children under the age of fourteen should not show violence of any sort. Write an essay about how depictions of violence in children’s media should be banned.Write about why it should […]

What did you learn about the relationship between early democracy and violence in early American republic?

What did you learn about the relationship between early democracy and violence in early American republic? When did different groups of Americans think violence was justified and why? The soil will be soaked source only use pages 59-86 - ( this website takes you to the book, only use ch 3-5 and epilogue) - (just […]

What good things do you see in a “mandatory arrest in domestic violence”policy?

Class 14 forum Post a response to the following questions: Many places in the country have mandatory arrest policies for domestic violence police calls. That means when the cops go to a domestic call, and if they find probable cause to arrest someone for a crime (any crime – like assault, endangering, disorderly, etc.), they […]

Discuss the topic with your clinical preceptor-what would you recommend to make a difference?

1. Include a summary for time spent with your preceptor and share information for the following that was discussed with the preceptor. Expand on your entry by including citations from the articles for the week. 2. Review and develop an understanding for workplace violence 3. Review and be able to discuss the policies and procedures […]

Develop your own health campaign presentation program to spread awareness of a Domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic to your selected target audience

Domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic Develop your own health campaign presentation program to spread awareness of a Domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic to your selected target audience (e.g., health care institutions, stakeholders, vulnerable populations), create a strong argument for the problem of this health care issue (e.g., cite statistics, provide narratives) to convince […]

What question(s), arguments, issue(s) does the author(s) address?-What answer(s), arguments, are suggested?

Crises, and Violence against Women You are writing about and may connect the idea(s) in the readings to any topic(s) of your choice (for example, your personal life or current events). You may focus on one of the Week’s reading, all of the Week’s readings, or any combination. If you are struggling to come up […]

Find an article about the assessment not by the test authors and what they report about the assessment include any potential issues they found.

Risk Assessment Choose 1 risk assessment and answer the following questions: Risk assessments: -Risk assessment for violence within populations of those with serious mental illness. -Violence risk assessment of offenders who are facing capital punishment (death penalty). 1) Name of the assessment. 2) Purpose of the assessment and a brief description. (Use your book, library […]