What is the role if any of entertainment and media in diversity?Climate Change and Environmentalism

War and Violence To what degree, if at all, is violence and war necessary? How much violence is too much? And who should decide? How much, do we need violence in our world? How much (if at all) has the way society defines violence changed? Should it change more or less? Who determines this definition? […]

What are the similiarities and differences with Intimate Partner Violence and Domestic Violence?

Victimology Review Intimate Partner Violence and Why Women Do Not Leave Film.What are the similiarities and differences with Intimate Partner Violence and Domestic Violence? When did IPV become so prevalent? Do you agree with the films findings and can you support it with documentation? Have you, or someone you know, ever been a victim of […]

How does this violence exemplify “mob thinking” in the late 19th-century South?Discuss

Description Consider your classmates’ responses. How does this violence exemplify “mob thinking” in the late 19th-century South? Response should be at least 1 paragraph per post. At least one citation per response. You may use different citations in each post if needed.

Zero Tolerance for school violence policy, is it targeting minorities?Discuss

Subject: Law Topic: Zero Tolerance for school violence policy Paper details: Zero Tolerance for school violence policy, is it targeting minorities? Current Thesis: The zero-tolerance policy firmly abides by one-and-you’re-out, but is this policy being used to target minorities, disabled, and academically challenged students. Fefktel free to change the thesis.

Discuss In what ways has the COVID pandemic in the US exposed the deep fissures and failures within our society in regards to it’s ability capacity to care for and protect our most vulnerable communities?

1) Are the characters represented in an “authentic” way? Explain why or why not. In your response define what “authenticity” means to you. Who determines what is authentic? 2) How is gender represented in the film? Provide specific examples. In what ways does the film perpetuate “traditional” gender roles, and in what ways does it […]

Explain These are the first pages of the first chapter of Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth, entitled “On Violence.” Discuss at least three different types of violence that Fanon describes in these pages. For each type of violence you discuss, address the following points: who is committing the violence, and against whom? Is the violence physical, psychological, economic, or something else? What does this excerpt reveal about the mentality of the FLN in their fight for Algerian independence from France in the 1950s and 1960s?

These are the first pages of the first chapter of Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth, entitled “On Violence.” Discuss at least three different types of violence that Fanon describes in these pages. For each type of violence you discuss, address the following points: who is committing the violence, and against whom? Is the violence […]

Explain To what extent does violence on television has an impact on children? What do we know about the impact of television violence on children’s attitudes, behaviour, and values? What are the possibilities that our children will be more aggressive in adulthood if they are exposed in early childhood to television violence?

Topic: To what extent does violence on television has an impact on children? What do we know about the impact of television violence on children’s attitudes, behaviour, and values? What are the possibilities that our children will be more aggressive in adulthood if they are exposed in early childhood to television violence?

Discuss the topic of violence against women and how it’s a social and public health issue, use at least 5 academic sources for research.

Introduce topic of violence against women and how it’s a social and public health issue, use at least 5 academic sources for research. Then use the organization “Box girls international” to showcase how it helps to empower women and combat the issue of violence against women. Conclude by an example of intervention that can help […]